
Gemini Monthly Horoscope

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MONTH OF January

Dive into the deep end of the pool, Gemini! Whether you’re a serious swimmer or can barely tread water, you’ll learn new strokes as you go. This month will heavily emphasize a transformational inner journey, one where experience is the wisest teacher. With a plethora of planets in Capricorn and your intimate, internal eighth house, start 2022 with reflection before rushing into action. 

This is extra-sound advice beginning mid-month, when your ruling planet, Mercury, turns retrograde from January 14 to February 3. With harmonizer Venus also in reverse through January 29, your best bet is to inspect your work and really think through your plans before you debut them.

Not that you’ll be navel-gazing the days away. When the January 17 full moon in Cancer illuminates your practical and prosperous second house, a moneymaking opportunity could appear. There’s work to do, Gemini! And with bountiful Jupiter soaring through Pisces and your success zone all the way through May 10, you’ll quickly translate any lessons into tangible goals that become part of your success story. 

But en route to building that legacy, prepare to feel some raw emotions and new levels of vulnerability, which can be uncomfortable for your capable, control-oriented sign. You’re used to putting others under the microscope, not being scrutinized yourself! Under January’s cosmic lineup, you’ll learn to care less what others think and tune in to your soul’s desires, a worthwhile pursuit indeed!

Capricorn rules the skies: Sun, new moon, Venus (retrograde) and Mars

The year begins against the backdrop of the Capricorn Sun heating up your eighth house of privacy, intimacy and merging through January 19. In short order, a January 2 new moon—also a supermoon—will put your closest ties front and center. Take stock: Who are the people that you’re entangled with (willingly AND reluctantly)? 

If there’s one word you should focus on as 2022 begins, it’s this: investments. There are only so many hours in a day (and we don’t care if Beyonce has the same 24—she also has an entourage of assistants!). How are you using your allotment of daily hours, Gemini? Are you getting a proper return on your investment of time, energy and resources? There’s no shame in asking yourself that—and in asking others to pull their weight if they aren’t.

Capricorn season is a smart time to pinpoint and plug the energy leaks—and ward off the energy vampires who may be feasting on your emotional bandwidth. Who do you want to team up with anyway? Between the January 2 new moon and the July 13 Capricorn full moon, you can establish powerful new ties and improve the ones you’ve got. 

Say a little prayer or make an ask of the universe while you’re at it. With the new moon at a helpful trine (120-angle of harmony) to Uranus, planet of the unexpected, the Law of Attraction is on your side. Uranus in your spiritual twelfth house will amplify your manifesting powers today. Visualize and conjure it up! 

The eighth house rules property and assets, from real estate to other financial undertakings, including joint ventures. Choose your collaborators with care, and you could find yourselves toasting a shared victory by this summer. When the Sun and potent Pluto unite in Capricorn on January 16, a profitable opportunity could come along. Explore possibilities, but hold off on making things completely official until next month since Mercury is retrograde until February 3, a tricky time to sign contracts.

Marriage, sex and binding romantic ties also fall under the eighth house jurisdiction. Alas, these areas could get a little choppy during Capricorn season 2022. Love planet Venus is retrograde (backward) in Capricorn from December 19, 2021, until January 29, 2022. Venus rules relationships, wealth and personal magnetism, and in this entangled part of your chart, things could get hashtag-complicated. 

Old trust issues, resentments and obsessions could flare up while Venus is in Capricorn. When activator Mars moves into Capricorn on January 24, this could exacerbate things for the rest of the month. The good news? Both planets will be in Capricorn until March 6, serving up a spicy February (and Valentine’s Day). But you won’t be able to sweep lingering issues under that hclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” and-loomed rug.

Luckily, Mars is “exalted” in Capricorn. So once your work is done, you could be a magnet for “power coupling,” whether for business or pleasure (or both!).


Mercury turns retrograde from January 14 to February class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” 3

Brace yourself! On January 14, your ruling planet, Mercury, will turn retrograde until February 3. Mercury governs technology, travel, communication and commuting. When the quicksilver planet shifts into reverse three to four times a year, all of these areas can go haywire. And as Mercury’s child, you’ll feel this shift all the more. 

For the majority of its backspin, Mercury will be trekking through Aquarius and your expansive ninth house. A visionary project might need to be temporarily put on hold. Have you overshot the mark or underestimated the time and resources needed to pull off your plans? Use this period to recalibrate and scale back to a “soft launch” if necessary. Better to roll things out in phases so you can test and adjust. 

This Mercury retrograde period can also scramble signals with anything related to travel and study. If you’re booking a trip (already a Mercury-retrograde warning light) or considering a return to school, make sure to research it all thoroughly. If you can, hold off on committing to anything binding until later in February. 

On January 25, Mercury dips back into Capricorn and your intimate eighth house. Coupled with love planet Venus being retrograde until January 29, this could spell “trouble in paradise.” Manage your moods, expectations and boundaries. Expect to need more privacy and feel irritated by other people’s energy in your space. Rather than people-please by accommodating then exploding, be as explicit (and unapologetic) as you can about your needs. This convergence of retrogrades could also bring an ex-lover back into your field. Tread lightly before you go there, Gemini!


The January 17 Cancer full moon brings a money moment

Ready to settle into a productive and prosperous 2022 groove? On January 17, a Cancer full moon beams into your second house of work, money and security. Set aside the lofty New Year’s resolutions for a moment and add a few practical ones to the list. For bonus points, you might want to quantify them (e.g., “increase revenue by $4,000 a month,” or “initiate screen-free Sunday mornings with family” or “one date night per week minimum”). 

Don’t just write down the stuff you think you SHOULD do. What gives you life, Gemini? What makes you feel grounded and whole? With the full moon opposite deep-digging Pluto in your transformational eighth house, take time to get introspective. When you land on something you’d like to do consistently, make it a regular practice, a daily devotion. The second house also rules values, so consider how yours have (or haven’t) changed. The clarity from this full moon could help you get off the fence and make a decision, one you’ve been putting off.

The north node enters Taurus on January 18

Prepare for a spiritual awakening—and a mind-body-soul revolution! From January 18, 2022, until July 17, 2023, the lunar nodes will move to the Taurus/Scorpio axis, activating your sixth house of health and organization (ruled by Scorpio) and your twelfth house of healing, closure and retreat (governed by Taurus). 


Did you start the New Year with a desire to simplify your life and maybe even to slip off the grid? Roll with that urge, Gemini. The next year and a half will spotlight self-care and introspection, two things your restless sign doesn’t always prioritize. And even if you do, they tend to happen at a breakneck pace. 


For the past 18 months, you’ve been hosting the north node in YOUR sign, and frankly, you’re a bit tired from that! There was a lot riding on you as the keeper of the world’s karmic torch. On top of that, you learned so much about yourself. Change was the only constant. Your life, appearance and goals may be unrecognizable from what they were before May 2020. 


Now you have a chance to take all that evolution and integrate it into your life, which could be a welcome relief. The north node only visits each sign every 18.5 years. It was last in Taurus from April 15, 2003, to December 26, 2004. If you can remember back to that time, you may see repeating themes arise again.

And…Uranus turns direct in Taurus on January 18


Psychic intel: incoming? On January 18, Uranus—the planet of surprises and radical change—ends a five-month retrograde in Taurus and your intuitive twelfth house. This zodiac zone rules closure, healing and transitions. Along with the north node in Taurus, Uranus direct is a one-way ticket out of your comfort zone and into the wild unknown!


If you’ve been on the fence about a life-changing move, Uranus’ forward motion could push you to follow your gut and take a tough but necessary action. Part of this could be painful or unpleasant or may involve leaving a situation you’ve outgrown—which is why (duh) you’ve been putting it off. It’s time to follow your heart, Gemini. Liberator Uranus is here to show you that freedom awaits on the other side of a tough choice. 


With radical Uranus zooming through Taurus and your mystical twelfth house until 2026, you may be developing your supernatural gifts or interests. Other Geminis could explore the arts and/or the esoteric fields, if you’re not already there. Either way, you can expect heavy influences from the mystical realms to permeate your daily life, all the more so as Uranus picks up speed. Pay attention to signs and serendipities—there’s definitely a message for you!

Think big! Aquarius season starts on January 19


Optimism ignites on January 19, when the Sun moves into Aquarius and your adventurous ninth house for a month. Some of January’s intensity will lift, and you can see new options instead of doggedly pursuing whatever you’ve been obsessing about, Gemini. 


Well, kind of: Your ruling planet, Mercury, is retrograde in Aquarius until January 25, then it slips back into Capricorn and your tunnel-visioned eighth house until February 3. It will be hard to get your one-track mind into multichannel mode at moments. Nonetheless, start making a valiant effort by exposing yourself to new sources of inspiration and information. From books to podcasts to a short (safe) trip, novelty will rescue you from any retrograde trip-ups. 


Frequent attitude adjustments are also required. It’s important to be honest with yourself about your frustrations and feelings now. But if you start sliding down a rabbit hole of self-pity, refocus on what you’re grateful for. We don’t mean that in a Pollyanna or faux-positive way. But once you lose perspective, it’s a slippery slope, and we’d hate to see you waste Aquarius season in self-imposed misery. Channel all that intellectual might of yours into a media project, a workshop or anything that feeds your curiosity. It’s not only a saving grace, it could spawn your next big idea!


Things are getting ultra-real, aren’t they, Gemini? While your freedom-loving sign may squirm at too much intimacy, a part of you loves the idea of a windswept, fairytale romance. As long as you don’t end up locked away in a castle, why not do a little role-playing, right? 

The stars are serving up a chance for that as romantic Venus spends an extra-long time in Capricorn and your erotic, intimate eighth house from November 6, 2021, to March 6, 2022. Some Geminis may have gotten closer than ever to their plus-one or connected to a soulmate. But…until January 29, Venus is retrograde, rudely interrupting your fantasies and bringing jealousy, drama and obsession back into the picture. Uh-oh. A tempting but toxic ex may have resurfaced, or some old bitterness, resentment and trust issues could have gotten churned up in your current relationship. Can your love survive all of this?

The answer lies in your willingness to take action. Passionate Mars, the planet of action, is splitting the month between the most committed parts of your chart. For couples, this could mean you fight more, but at least you get it all out in the open. For single Geminis, Mars emboldens you to get clear about what you want in a partner and to just come out and say it!

Until January 24, Mars will be in Sagittarius and your relationship house, a good time to rebalance the give-and-take or, if you’re ready to move on, to summon the courage to call it quits. Why drag unhappiness into the new year if you’re not compatible anymore? After January 24, Mars joins Venus in Capricorn, raising your sizzling, sexy eighth house to sauna-level temperatures. 

Buyer beware: Mars is the warrior planet. This could make any contentious behavior even uglier before Venus retrograde ends. But if you can ride it out, the love planets will be in sweet synchronicity right after Valentine’s Day, a perfect time to celebrate surviving the retrograde with a sensual experience for two. For single Geminis, the last week of January can help you finally break things off with someone or to process any painful feelings that you’ve bottled up.


Partner up for the win! With go-getter Mars in Sagittarius until January 24, your seventh house of contracts and commitments is ablaze, and has been since December 13. Surround yourself with people whose skills complement yours and distance yourself from those whose demands take you away from your mission. When Mars moves into Capricorn from January 24 to March 6, an investment or joint venture could heat up.

With a plethora of planets in Capricorn and your wealth house this month, you’ll start 2022 eager to make some power moves, especially at the January 2 Capricorn new moon. Set meetings, make pitches and start plotting your empire. But make sure to unveil your mission before January 14, since your ruling planet, Mercury, turns retrograde that day until February 3. A fast-moving alliance could hit a speed bump, or you might find it prudent to step back and revise your plans.

The January 17 Cancer full moon beams into your work and money house, shining light on new opportunities. Make sure to look in unexpected places, too, since this full moon will be opposite secretive Pluto in Capricorn. Information may be concealed from you, but if you’re a proper detective (one of your Gemini superpowers), you could unearth that diamond from the darkness of the mines.

Love Days: 23, 28

Money Days: 6, 16

Luck Days: 13, 4

Off Days: 11, 25, 2

See All Signs

The AstroTwins Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been‘s official astrologers for over a decade.

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