Globally celebrated film music serialist and pop singer/songwriter Randy Edelman embarks on a journey to Massachusetts in several rare performances showcasing his incredible adventures through music and song in “A Life in 80 Minutes” featuring his illustrious “A Weekend in New England” (as recorded by Barry Manilow). Randy will be …
Composer Randy Edelman intimately captures his audience, forever giving his soul to touch their hearts and in return they ultimately hold him and his piano hostage on stage. Dubbed “Best Live Set in 2021” by “Rock NYC”, Randy is swiftly becoming the “hottest ticket” in town and therefore returning by …
Back by popular demand join world renowned composer, maestro, and pop recording star Randy Edelman as he shares the soundtrack of his life in a dazzling, and unparalleled piano extravaganza entitled Randy Edelman: “A Life…In 80 Minutes.” Randy will grace the stage of the new chic venue “Chelsea Table & Stage“ located @ the Hilton …