Leave it to your mom to pull you back to earth when your dreams are too big.
Whether that’s a good thing or not is purely circumstantial.
On Hello Tomorrow!, Jack Billings is selling people land on the moon. It sure seems like he might need mom to do her thing.
If you’ve been watching Hello Tomorrow!, you know how tough it is to understand the sales pitch.
Jack and his team of salespeople are selling a way out for those living mundane lives, but as we’ve seen with Myrtle, there comes a time when you have to deliver on that promise.
Jack’s big on promises and low on follow-through, and it’s not only his customers or his team he’s letting down.
Jack’s been driven by his desire to reconnect with his son, and although it’s rough going at first, soon, Joey seems like a chip off the old block.
More important to Jack delivering on his promise to get his customers to the moon is that Joey is proud of what he’s accomplished.
Of course, any man would want their son to look up to them.
But at the rate things go sideways for Jack Billings, it’s not hard to understand where Barbara is coming from when she deals with her son.
Moms have that way of tempering your expectations if you let them, so how Jack reacts to his mother’s feedback is what matters most.
Hello Tomorrow! is always emotional, but its foundation is broad comedy. In this scene, Billy Crudup and Jacki Weaver are saying just as much with their exaggerated expressions as they do with words.
Take a look at the clip now.
“Another Day, Another Apocalypse” drops on Apple TV+ on Friday, March 17.
Make sure you tune in to see the latest disaster that drops at Jack’s feet and whether his mothers sage advice makes any difference in how he reacts to it.
Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She’s a member of the Critic’s Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on Twitter and email her here at TV Fanatic.