Month: January 2023
LA ALDEA SINIESTRA – Genero: Terror Pais: Japon Duración: 115 minutos Director: Takashi Shimizu Guion: Daisuke Hosaka, Takashi Shimizu Reparto: Kôki, Riku Hagiwara, Keiko Horiuchi, Haruka Imô, Akaji Maro, Satoru Matsuo, Naoki Tanaka, Rinka Ôtani VALORACION: – RESEÑA: En un supuesto “vídeo de espíritus”, Kanon (Kôki) se asombra al ver …
Over the last few weeks, friends and family of Theophilus London have been working together to piece together his whereabouts. The last time someone spoke with him reportedly stretches back to July 2022 in Los Angeles. On December 27th, family members of Theophilus London traveled to Los Angeles to file …
Star Wars: The Bad Batch is back for Season 2 on Disney+. But it’s been a while since we’ve seen our favorite Clone Troopers — and even longer since the end of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which this series spun out of. If you’ve forgotten any of what’s come before in …
Frasier Crane won’t have brother Niles at his side when Frasier returns for new episodes on Paramount+ — David Hyde Pierce chose not to return for the sequel series — but in his stead comes a British college pal of Kelsey Grammer’s psychiatrist character. According to Variety, actor Nicholas Lyndhurst …
Jeff and Ryan are partners but couldn’t be more different. They each have their own approach, not only on design, but also on how to manage the staff. Usually the two end up on the same page, but when Jeff notices work around his house isn’t getting done, he grows …
CBS TV Stations boss Jennifer Mitchell is offering her and the company’s “full support” to a San Francisco on-air reporter after an asinine and racist attack today by a conservative YouTube host Just back online after a one-week suspension from the Google-owned platform for violating YouTube’s hate speech policy in …
One of the original supermodels from the 1980s, Tatjana Patitz, has tragically passed away. The German model’s death was confirmed to by her rep, though the time and cause of her death is still currently unknown. She was only 56 years old. The Hamburg native was a huge influence …
19 Jan 2023 Books to Read for Fans of Emily in Paris If, like us, you’re eagerly awaiting the next season of Netflix’s Emily in Paris to release, and need some love stories to keep you occupied in the meantime – look no further! Check out these new romance releases, …
How it starts. Mummy Pig voiced by @Hoolopee That’ll do Piggy. View Original Video Here
I don’t like leaving things up to chance, so I took it upon myself to find out which fashion colour trends are set to be big news in 2023. How? By scanning 200+ runways, that’s how. Unlike other trends, which you need to examine with almost microscopic precision to discern, …
Carter Smith, the mind behind the terrifying 2008 film The Ruins, is back with the queer horror of your nightmares. His new film Swallowed is a twisted tale of bugs and love, a dirty exercise in intimacy that’ll have tears in your eyes and bile in your throat. Don’t believe …
Five-time Grammy nominated singer El DeBarge has been arrested on drug and weapons charges, TMZ reports. The lead singer of family band DeBarge had several hits in the 1980s, including “Rhythm of the Night.” He was detained by Burbank police in the early hours of January 8th while parked at …
Of Marvel’s three 2022 movies, one reigned supreme at the U.S. box office: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, which grossed $439.9 million in domestic release. (Interestingly, although it made less money in the United States, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has made more money worldwide, at least so far, with $955.7 million …
If you were worried the writers forgot Erin’s running for DA, don’t be. The DA’s race is heating up. For the second week in a row, Erin’ll have to face a difficult choice while getting more deeply involved in politics. Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 11 spoilers suggest Erin may …
Circus Boy began its journey on NBC in the fall of 1956 and ended its journey on ABC in 1958. The star of the show was child star Mickey Braddock who played Corky. Also on the show was Noah Beery Jr., as Joey the Clown, and Robert Lowery as Big …
Ozark season three has arrived with 10 more episodes for fans to enjoy but some have questions from the last outing. The new series will see the Byrde family expanding but they will have enemies to face. Here’s a l … ————————————————————————- Please Click Subscribe TV News, Previews, Spoilers, Casting …
Kelly Rizzo is remembering happier times during her first Christmas without husband Bob Saget. In a touching social media post shared Dec. 24, the video creator, 43, reflected on her last holiday with the Full House star. Alongside a series of photos taken of the couple in 2021 outside the Peninsula Chicago, Kelly …
19 Jan 2023 6 Must-read Literary Fiction Books We’ve compiled this week’s must-read books for every literary fiction reader. We promise, these stories will have you hooked until the very last page! Happy reading. The Placeholder by Lynda Wolters Release Date: November 1, 2022 “My desire to be someone’s chosen …
Shraddha Murder: Horror Movie Come To Life? The arrest of a man on Saturday blew the lid off a missing case as he was charged with allegedly murdering his live-in partner, chopping her body into 35 pieces and scattering them all over Delhi to escape the clutches of law. Police …
Over the last couple of years, it’s safe to say my style has been built solely on comfort. Working from home more often has meant leaving the house less, even after the lockdowns were lifted. Living in Scotland and being the sort of person who feels the chill in even …
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Bonnie Raitt has reflected on the “inspiration” and “staggeringly great singing” of Renée Geyer, the celebrated Australian soul and blues singer who died earlier this week, aged 69. Explore See latest videos, charts and news See latest videos, charts and news Geyer enjoyed solo success in Australia in the ‘70s with covers …
The Evil Dead are about to rise again. For the first time in a decade, there’s a new Evil Dead film. The previous installment, Evil Dead, was a reboot of the original franchise. The new film, Evil Dead Rise, moves the action from a cabin in the woods to an urban apartment building. The …
Lisa Rinna opened up about her departure from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills for the first time. Rinna stunned fans by announcing her exit earlier this year she would not return to the show. “I think everything Housewives has to go away for a while, which is good. I …
The Bureau is orchestrating an operation to recruit Sabrina, the French jihadist’s sister. Malotru asks Celine to update him on Nadia’s status in Syria, where she’s being interrogated by one of the most devious judges of the regime. View Original Video Here
The New Mutants star Maisie Williams has praised the X-Men spin off’s “important” same-sex relationship. During the long-awaited film’s Comic-Con@Home panel, which was shown on Thursday (July 23), the Game of Thro … ————————————————————————- Please Click Subscribe TV News, Previews, Spoilers, Casting Scoop, Interviews, Television News, Ratings, TV Show Reviews, …
View gallery Image Credit: Matt Baron/BEI/Shutterstock Jeff Bridges is an Oscar-winning actor. He’s been married to Susan Geston since 1977. Jeff and Susan have three children and two grandchildren. Jeff Bridges, 73, has enjoyed a successful acting career that isn’t slowing down at all. Starting in the 1970s, the beloved …
19 Jan 2023 Magic, Space, and Ghosts, Oh My! Looking for an exciting new fantasy or science fiction book to read this winter? Check out our picks for new releases that will have you captivated until the very last page! Smoke and Mirrors (The Stricken Squad Book 1) by Minerva … Subscribe please: Watch This: Merch: Follow Me: Become a Member TODAY to unlock AWESOME STUFF We love getting letters and fan art. SEND IT TO- or ⭐Keep up With us⭐ Don’t forget to Subscribe (Bro) Youtube Channel VGN MERCH!!! …
TikTok has opened up a fresh space to discuss a range of topics in new ways—among them is fashion. Creators are touching on fashion in a range of ways, but stylist and TikTok “fashion teacher” Allison Bornstein‘s conversations about style and shopping have especially resonated. Earlier this year, we spoke with …