
Taurus Monthly Horoscope

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MONTH OF January


There’s no going gently into 2022 for you, Taurus. The year begins full-on, with a push to put your personal needs and passion projects front and center. Not only is there a ton of cosmic action in Capricorn and your enterprising ninth house, but the karmic north node will arrive in your sign on January 18, its first visit since 2004! Get ready: You’ve been anointed and appointed the planet’s CZO (Chief Zodiac Officer) for the next 18 months, here to lead us all into humanity’s next chapter. Don’t mess it up, Taurus! (Kidding, kidding…) With innovator Uranus waking up from a five-month retrograde that same day, we WILL be looking to you for novel approaches and grounded guidance, something the world desperately needs.


There are a couple workarounds, of course: Your ruling planet, Venus, is retrograde until January 29, and Mercury joins this back-pedaling brigade from January 14 to February 3. There may be moments when you feel like you’re spinning your wheels or that nobody’s listening to you (two things a Taurus abhors!). Romantic entanglements and friendships could get complicated, and you may have a few extra steps to take (or re-take) before you can launch your big plans. Don’t let that stop you from getting hyped up; just use this month as your dress rehearsal for the big show that will be unfolding between now and summer 2023. It’s worth taking the extra time to perfect your plans!


Capricorn rules the skies: Sun, new moon, Venus (retrograde) and Mars

Let the personal evolution begin! You’re primed for new perspectives and adventures as the year begins. While you still may be clearing the dust from recent changes in your life—all spurred by that November 19, 2021, Taurus lunar eclipse—a cluster of planets in Capricorn is heating up your ninth house of adventure, risk-taking and growth. The future may be something of a blank canvas, but for once, that excites you more than it frightens you.

And things will happen fast: This January 2, the heavens will already deliver the first new moon of 2022, a Capricorn supermoon. Talk about a bold push onto your new, purpose-driven path! Start crafting a vision for where you’d like to be by the July 13 Capricorn full moon, six months from now. The ninth house rules travel, higher learning and entrepreneurship. While the usual jet-setting promised by this transit may be restricted, consider booking some (fully refundable) getaways or even a weekend out of town. Or find other ways to pursue novelty through “adventures of the mind,” from taking an inspiring workshop to launching an indie business project. 

The only directive? Make sure anything you start has your personal stamp on it. On January 1 and 2, the Sun aclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” nd new moon will both form a supportive trine to trailblazing Uranus in Taurus. One of your pioneering ideas could garner widespread attention, possibly even from abroad. Widen your radius, whether you’re searching for a new career opportunity or a helpful collaborator. A powerful person could emerge when the Sun and Pluto make their annual conjunction (meetup) on January 16. If you’ve been working on changing your mindset and opening up to different ways of seeing the world, get ready for a serious download today.

There IS one obstacle you’ll need to navigate, Taurus. Your ruling planet, Venus, is retrograde (backward) from December 19, 2021, until January 29, 2022. Venus rules relationships, wealth and personal magnetism, and it will backtrack through Capricorn. You could lapse into pessimistic thinking or run into resistance as you attempt to pitch a cutting-edge concept. If you’ve been overly optimistic about a love affair or rushed to some conclusions in your personal life, Venus will pump the brakes.

However, you’ll get an early reprieve—or a new focal point—on January 24, when passionate Mars zooms into Capricorn, a once-every-two-years visit that will make you feel utterly unstoppable about your dreams. (Take that, Venus retrograde!) Both Venus and Mars will be in this worldly zone until March 6, which could bring a long-distance love interest orclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” perhaps a sexy Valentine’s Day getaway. The red planet is happy in Cappy—Mars is “exalted” in Capricorn, a powerful placement that will amp up your enthusiasm. It’s great to have a big vision, but be careful not to overshoot the mark, which could easily happen with hyped-up Mars in this supersizer zone.


Mercury turns retrograde from January 14 to Febrclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” uary 3

On January 14, static comes on the line as Mercury—the planet of communication, travel and technology—turns retrograde until February 3. Mercury governs communication, technology and travel, and when it backspins three to four times a year, these parts of your life can go haywire. This time, it will reverse through Aquarius and your career zone until January 25. For the majority of the trickster’s backward transit, professional matters will be up for reevaluation. If you’ve been pondering a new path, you might have a change of heart—or a temporary case of cold feet.


Is fear of the unknown, or a real-life obstacle, stopping you from shifting gears? Use Mercury retrograde to investigate. Take extra care with any work-related contracts and negotiations. You may discover some hidden items that don’t feel equitable. Tension could flare with coworkers and clients. Since Mercury retrograde is great for reconnecting with your past, you might get an offer from a former employer, or an ex-colleague may dangle an intriguing opportunity. Explore, but don’t commit until you’ve conducted due diligence. 


Be careful with any work-related files and electronic equipment, which will be in Mercury’s crosshairs. Back up important documents to the cloud, hold off on your cell phone upgrade, and be extra mindful of what you put into emails. Your public image falls under the tenth-house domain, so what you post or say can easily be used against you.


With Mercury reversing through your professional tenth house, you could have second thoughts about your career path. Things that started to take off last month may suddenly wither on the vine. Use this time to reflect, review and reconsider. On January 25, Mercury will back into Capricorn and your truth-telling ninth house, a time to get honest with yourself and others about what you really want. Start looking in unexpected places for new approaches—but don’t scatter your energy as Mercury in your supersized ninth house could send you on a wild goose chase.

The Cancer full moon could bring news or an invitation


January 17 heralds the year’s first full moon, which is in Cancer and your third house of communication. If you didn’t get around to penciling in those 2022 resolutions yet, this is your chance to set some intentions, which could become clear under the lunar light. With the full moon at a piercing opposition to shadowy Pluto, you could have major insights, whether you shift to a positive mindset or finally see how to 10X a project you’re working on. This full moon can plant the seeds of important conversations and collaborations with kindred spirits that will unfold in the coming weeks. A sibling, neighbor or colleague could figure into events near this date.


Have you been waiting for news or a green light on a venture? Something you started as far back as the Cancer new moon on July 7, 2021, could finally gel. Whatever the answer is, at least you’ll have the peace of mind knowing which direction to take. Writing, media or marketing endeavors get a special boost from the full moon—perhaps with an international twist or a long-distance fan base to build your audience. Cast a wide net! 

The north node enters Taurus on January 18


Drumroll…your official reinvention begins today. From January 18, 2022, until July 17, 2023, the lunar nodes will move onto the Taurus/Scorpio axis, activating your first house of selfhood and your seventh house of partnerships for 18 months. This is THE time to pursue your karmic calling, Bull, and to apply the lessons you’ve learned as you craft a new path for yourself. This year, two Taurus eclipses (on April 30 and November 8) will bring this into form.


The north node only visits Taurus every 18.5 years; it was last here from April 15, 2003, to December 26, 2004. What was happening in your life back then? Get ready for another wave of similar themes and lessons, and to reshuffle the balance between “me” and “we.”


You’re a natural provider, but in your noble efforts to please, have you put off the needs of numero uno? As the Scorpio south node activates your relationship zone, take a break from making other people your main focus. Put the emphasis on what makes YOU happy, Taurus. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy companionship and community. Just set clear limits and trust others to fend for themselves a little more. Spoiler: At the two Scorpio eclipses, on May 16 and October 25, there could be big changes to one or more of your key partnerships. 

And…Uranus turns direct in Taurus on January 18


Not only is the north node in Taurus, but on January 18, pioneering Uranus will end a five-month retrograde backspin through YOUR sign that began on August 19. As the planet of radical change turns direct (forward) in Taurus, some of your passion projects or cherished personal goals regain momentum…or head in a thrilling new direction. 


With the north node also in your sign, you’ve got an open invitation to be the Trailblazer in Chief for the next couple years. Have you been pondering a new look or waiting to debut a style update? Uranus direct gives the all-clear for you to start turning some heads. 

Plot your goals when Aquarius season starts on January 19


Don’t worry, Taurus: This IS all headed somewhere. On January 19, the Sun will blaze into Aquarius and your structured, ambitious tenth house. You’ll start to craft a plan and streamline your professional goals. Where exactly are you headed and what do you want to achieve? The more you can simplify and clarify your answer, the better.


But don’t ditch the experimental attitude yet. With Mercury retrograde in Aquarius until January 25, and your ruler, Venus, retrograde through January 29, test your hypotheses before fully committing yourself to any of them. Use the rest of this month to research your options and how each would impact your day-to-day life. Considering a new job or position? Make sure the reality is as solid as the rosy picture you envision.


Love can be a bumpy road this month, no matter what your sign is. Your ruler, Venus, the planet of romance and harmony, is retrograde until January 29, a once-every-18-months disruption that began on December 19, 2021. 

Venus is reversing through Capricorn and your ninth house of optimism, travel and novelty. Have you taken on an overly hopeful outlook about someone? The lenses of your rose-colored specs could be smudged now. (TBH, there are far tougher places for Venus to be retrograde.) Maybe you had to cancel a vacation or scale back some adventures with your love interest. If you’re single, you might want to savor your own company this month instead of casting a search for your next plus-one in these unfavorable waters. The exception: Venus retrograde can bring back people from your past for another chance. Don’t rule out a romantic reunion, perhaps with someone who now lives far away. (Results may vary—attempt at your own risk!)

If all else fails, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to make up for it next month. Venus is taking an extended trip through Capricorn from November 5 to March 6. And on January 24, sizzling Mars joins Venus in Capricorn, also staying here until March 6. A Valentine’s Day do-over could be divine, especially since the love planets will be in close proximity that week. 

In the meantime, Mars WILL serve up sexytime opportunities for the first three weeks of 2022. In Sagittarius and your erotic eighth house, the red planet can turn up the heat behind closed doors. That said, it can also crank up jealousy, obsession and tunnel vision, behaviors that never pair well with your easily hyped-up nature. You could feel a lot of raw and vulnerable emotions during this phase, so make sure you have support and healthy outlets to process them.


New year, new ventures! With so many planets in Capricorn and your big-picture ninth house this month, you’re looking to new horizons. And you should, Taurus! January is a pivotal moment in your personal history, as the karmic north node enters your sign for the first time since 2004. Over the next 18 months, you can expect to undergo major shifts in your lifestyle, career path and interests. What will you do next? The January 2 Capricorn new (super)moon could spark a big idea. Once go-getter Mars joins the Capricorn convention on January 24, you’ll be revved up to take a calculated risk—and this cycle will last until March 6, giving you plenty of time to experiment. Kindred spirits and collaborators could appear around the January 17 Cancer full moon. This day could also deliver a long-awaited answer to a proposal.

Just dodge any confusion or setbacks from communicator Mercury turning retrograde (January 14 to February 3), a time of technology mishaps and mixed signals. Your ruler, Venus, is also retrograde until January 29, which could slow your flow or bottleneck a business venture from getting off the ground. Stay patient. Use this time to tweak and improve your ideas, then make your big debut next month.

Love Days: 21, 25

Money Days: 13, 4

Luck Days: 11, 2

Off Days: 9, 23, 28

See All Signs

The AstroTwins Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been‘s official astrologers for over a decade.

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