NeNe Leakes filmed some clips with her new man, and she shared them, online. Check them out below.
A follower said: ‘In one hand I want to be like “it’s too soon “… On the other hand, life is precious and you can’t wait sometimes… So ya… It’s bittersweet.’
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A commenter posted this: ‘I personally think she was done with Greg and then he got sick so she went back and so now that he’s gone she finally feels comfortable dating publicly. In other words ms leaks was done with Greg way before he passed.’
One other follower said: ‘I love her but this why after Greg’s passing she was fed up with all the flower arrangements ppl kept sending to her home.’
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A follower posetd this message: ‘if moving on fast was a person. It’s her for sure but I’m not judging, life go on.’
One follower said: ‘I don’t care what y’all say, but she’s doing tooo much after losing her husband of 20+ year’s just a couple of months ago.’
One fan said: ‘You Should Take over the Wendy Williams Show They definitely Need you,’ and a commente rposted this: ‘Make NeNe a permanent host, so I can’t watch everyday!’
One follower said: ‘They should get you to replace Wendy Williams @wendyshow The ratings would FLY HIGH!! Thank me later @fox,’ and a fan posted this: ‘@thetalkcbs we need to have @neneleakes PERMANENT on our TV screen daily please THANK U.’
Someone else said: ‘Looks like the perfect cast to me @thetalkcbs should make this permanent… @sherylunderwood,’ and a commente rposted this: ‘Congratulations @neneleakes I pray Hod blesses you with all your hearts desires. You are a strong black sister, even if you have to put on a brave smile. Be blessed, cause your angel Greg is watching over you.’
A fan said: ‘I saw you yesterday on The Talk and you were great @neneleakes and made sure set my DVR you’ll do great as a permanent fixture on a talk show.’
NeNe Leakes is getting a lot of love from her fans after she shared these pics on her social media account.