It’s not even a point in the horror movie Talk to Me that one of its actors is non-binary and trans, but the Middle Eastern country of Kuwait noticed and subsequently banned it from their cinemas.
Zoe Terakes, 23, plays Hayley in the film, just one of the curious teens who partake in the strange powers of an embalmed hand that when grabbed leads people into the spiritual realm. The movie has gotten positive reviews and there is even a sequel in the works.
But Kuwait probably won’t be seeing the sequel since banning the original. The decision was based on Terakes participation in the film, they are trans in real-life. The Hollywood Reporter ran the story about a week ago and Terakes responded to it on X (formerly Twitter).
They say the film never actually mentions their transness or queerness.
“I am a trans actor who happened to get the role. I’m not a theme. I am a person. Kuwait has banned this film due to my identity alone,” Terakes wrote.
— Zoe Terakes (@zoeterakes) August 6, 2023
Terakes adds: “As much as it is very sad to be on the receiving end of this, what is even more heartbreaking is what this precedent means for the queer and trans people of Kuwait.
Representation is hope. Representation is a light at the end of the tunnel, a reason to keep going, something to hold onto in the dark, a voice that whispers things can be better than they are.
Eliminating trans actors on screens will not eliminate trans people (as much as the government of Kuwait wishes it would) but it will eliminate a lot of hope.”
The actor also states they are concerned for trans folk in Kuwait who must endure the transphobia with few places to look for hope.
The Hollywood Reporter also claims that this is the first instance of discrimination in Kuwait where the decision to ban a film is based on an actors gender identity.
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