EXCLUSIVE: Moonshine, the Canadian comedy-drama created by Sheri Elwood, will return for a second season on CBC. Allan Hawco (Republic of Doyle) is joining the cast of the series, which is produced by Six Eleven Media and Entertainment One. Picking up where the first season ends, season two will include dance routines, dirty bingo, snow crab-jacking and a high stakes turf war with a band of outlaw bikers. Fate will manifest very differently for the entire family, with characters fighting their destiny tooth and nail as Lidia goes to extremes to save the business from financial ruin. Returning are Jennifer Finnigan (Salvation), Anastasia Phillips (Reign), Emma Hunter (Mr. D), Tom Stevens (Wayward Pines), Alexander Nunez (Avocado Toast), Corrine Koslo (Anne with an E), Peter MacNeill (T …
#AllanHawco, #EntertainmentOne, #Moonshine
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