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900 ? ‘wide’: ‘mobile’, textAd_slot = ”, textAd_adUnit = ”; if ( textAd_active == 1 ) { textAd_urlsActivate.forEach( url => { if ( url == window.location.href ) { textAd_trigger = 1; } }); if ( textAd_trigger == 1 || textAd_urlsActivate.length > 0 ) { if ( window.location.pathname == “/” ) { //Ad unit if is home textAd_adUnit = ‘/4403/cr/comingsoon/hp_header_widget’; } else { //Ad unit if is not home textAd_adUnit = ‘/4403/cr/comingsoon/ros_header_widget’; } window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []}; googletag.cmd.push(function() { textAd_slot = googletag.defineSlot( textAd_adUnit, [[390, 125], [972, 85]], ‘header_widget’).addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.enableServices(); googletag.display(‘header_widget’); googletag.pubads().refresh([textAd_slot]); }); } } } ]]> Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures
Shazam! Fury of the Gods and much more content are coming to HBO Max as part of the schedule for May 22-28.
Starting on Tuesday, May 23, HBO Max will officially be rebranded into Max. The new streaming platform will feature plenty of content from brands like Discovery Channel, Adult Swim, Cartoon Network, ID, and more. Shazam! Fury of the Gods stands among the many movies, documentaries, and TV series heading to Max. The Zachary Levi-led superhero movie features the latest adventures of Billy Batson, his superpowered adult alter-ego, and the whole enlarged family as they take on the Daughters of Atlas.
HBO Max and Max Schedule May 22-28 | New TV & Movie Additions
Monday, May 22
Tuesday, May 23
- Bama Rush
- Clone High, Season 1
- German Genius
- Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
- Gremlins: Secrets Of The Mogwai, Season 1
- Growing Floret
- How To Create A Sex Scandal
- Maine Cabin Masters, Season 8
- Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023)
- SmartLess: On The Road
- Talking Sopranos Podcast
- Villainous, Season 1A
- What Am I Eating? With Zooey Deschanel
- Windy City Rehab
Wednesday, May 24
Thursday, May 25
- 100 Years Of Warner Bros. The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of
- Blippi Wonders, Season 2C
- Lellobee City Farm, Season 3
- Teen Titans Go!, Season 8A
- Total DramaRama: A Very Special Special, That’s Quite Special (2023)
- Vlad and Niki, Season 2A
- Vgly
Friday, May 26
- 100 Day Dream Home
- Being Mary Tyler Moore
- Kendra Sells Hollywood, Seasons 1-2
- Mark Rober’s Revengineers
- Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
Saturday, May 27
- Guy’s Ranch Kitchen
- Impractical Jokers, (Collection of 100 episodes from seasons 1-8)
- Impractical Jokers, Season 10A + Roadblock Special
- Put a Ring on It
- Sarah Silverman: Someone You Love
Sunday, May 28
- American Monster
- Collateral Beauty
- Married To Evil
- Otter Dynasty
- Silos Baking Competition
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