
Rain Man Theatrical Rerelease Date Set for Tom Cruise Movie

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The Rain Man theatrical rerelease date has been revealed for the film’s 35th anniversary.

Rain Man rerelease date

The 1988 road trip movie appears in theaters on Sunday, September 17, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. local time and Wednesday, September 20 at 7:00 p.m. local time, from Fathom Events and Park Circus.

“The film stars Tom Cruise as Charlie Babbitt, a self-centered car dealer caught in a financial bind,” reads the official synopsis. “Charlie’s life becomes even more complicated when his estranged father’s will reveals the existence of an older brother he never knew existed: Raymond (played by Dustin Hoffman in the role that would earn him his second Oscar® for Best Actor in a Leading Role), an autistic savant who stands to inherit their father’s three-million-dollar estate.”

“Determined to get his own cut of the money, Charlie kidnaps Raymond from the institution he calls home, with plans to head out for Los Angeles to settle some debts. What follows is a powerful cross-country odyssey of brotherhood and self-discovery that will change both of their lives forever.”

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