Top 10 Television Show Cliches
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Television, especially sitcoms are riddled with cliches. They aren’t necessarily bad, but they are still things you are going to see a hell of a lot of. Have you ever noticed how will they/won’t they storylines are really common, or that the characters always have a massive apartment regardless of income or what city they live in? So join WatchMojo as we take a look at the most common and noticeable TV tropes and cliches.
List Rank and Entries
#10. All the Drama
#9. The Hangout Spot
#8. Computer Exaggerations
#7. Token Minorities
#6. Will They / Won’t They
#5. Struggling 20Somethings with Huge Apartments
#4. Learning an Important Lesson at the End
#3, #2 & #1: ?
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