Awards shows are nothing without their scamps. What would the 2000 VMAs have been without that guy from Rage Against the Machine climbing the set? Remember when Amy Poehler organized a wedding photo booth’s worth of props for the Comedy Supporting Actresses at the 2009 Emmys, and then the Comedy Actress pageant in 2011? These are the moments people will remember for years, not the two-page prepared speeches. (Lookin’ at you, Queen’s Gambit.) Conan O’Brien, who lost an Emmy to John Oliver early in the night, brought the fun once the burden of winning was off his shoulders. First, Oliver thanked O’Brien for his decades of inspiring comedians. Thankfully, the camera cut to O’Brien for his reaction. Photo: CBS Then, O’Brien popped up when Frank Scherma, president of the Television Academy …
#ConanO’BrienWas, #Troll, #2021EmmysNeeded
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