
Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope

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MONTH OF January

You’re in high-gear hustle mode as January 2022 begins, and nobody can distract you from your mission! For starters, action planet Mars is in YOUR sign until January 24, a biennial transit that started on December 13. Meantime, a bunch of Capricorn planets are revving up your revenue from your second house of daily routines and money. Throw in Venus retrograde in Capricorn until January 29, and you may find yourself cranking around the clock. (Breaks? What are those?)

As noble as your productivity may be, Sagittarius, there comes a point where you might be “working harder, not smarter.” And you’ll certainly pay the price for inefficiency when Mercury, the planet of technology, communication and travel, turns retrograde from January 14 to February 3. Hello, overwhelm alert?

Luckily, the destiny-driven north node swoops into Taurus and your organized, healthy sixth house on January 18, its first visit here since 2004. Get ready for an awakening around self-care and spirituality. Your DIY days may be numbered—at least, when it comes to you taking on more than you can humanly handle. A more balanced life? You’re due for one, Sagittarius, so get ready to find creative new ways to prioritize your well-being and happiness. The sweetness of simplicity is sometimes lost on your adventurous sign, but get ready to discover a new appreciation of the concept of “less is more!”


Capricorn rules the skies: Sun, new moon, Venus (retrograde) and Mars


Daily living check! This month’s prevailing theme of simplicity is brought to you by Capricorn and your second house of work, living and everyday habits. With the Sun making its annual sojourn through the Sea Goat’s sphere until January 19, tuning into your priorities is the best place to start any 2022 endeavor. You don’t MEAN to make things more complicated than necessary, Sag, but with your knack for seeing all the bigger possibilities, it’s hard for you to keep things simple. 


Luckily, the January 2 Capricorn new moon arrives to help you prioritize and plan. Even if you’ve still got a lingering post-NYE hangover, this lunar lift inspires you to start making lists, decluttering and plotting your course. Set your sights on the July 13 Capricorn full moon as a milestone date. Where would you like to be by midyear—and what will it take to get there?


Not only is this new moon a supermoon, it will also form a harmonious trine (120-angle) to innovator Uranus, which is in Taurus and your analytical, healthy sixth house. Tap into technology and cutting-edge systems to help you reach your goals. With Uranus in your helpful people zone, put the word out for new specialists on Team Sagittarius or craft ways you can delegate more efficiently to the people already on your crew.


What matters to you most, Sagittarius? With your ruling planet, Jupiter, now in Pisces and your domestic, heart-centered fourth house until May 10, let your feelings be your guide. The January 16 annual meetup of the self-affirming Sun and investigative Pluto will bring a powerful moment of introspection. Use this day to get in tune with what matters to you now. 


You’ve changed so much over the past couple years, Sagittarius. But while you may know what you DON’T want, you’re still figuring out your heart’s desire. Take your time! With love planet Venus retrograde (backward) in Capricorn until January 29, this is a process worth exploring slowly and methodically.


Moneymaking opportunities could arrive—and fast!—after January 24, when energizer Mars exits your sign and blazes into Capricorn until March 6. While you’ll still have to weather Venus retrograde for the first few days (and Mercury retrograde until February 3), finances and work will pick up the pace. You may have a few stressful expenses, but necessity is the mother of invention, and any short-term “hardships” will just inspire you class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” to hustle. Luckily, Mars happens to be “exalted” in Capricorn, a powerful placement that will amp up your enthusiasm. While you may not have a whole lot of playtime until March, it will certainly make the winter fly by—and that’s nothing to sneeze at—literally or figuratively!

Mercury is retrograde from January 14 to February 3

Say nice things in the second half of the month, Sagittarius! Oclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” n January 14, Mercury—the planet of communication, technology and travel—will turn retrograde until February 3. To make things extra fun, Mercury will back through Aquarius until January 25, foiling your third house of interpersonal affairs and media. 

It might feel like a double-strength retrograde at moments, and you’ll want to take the utmost care with every word. If you’re not sure whether you should write, post or say THAT…don’t. Run any big decisions by your wisest sounding boards; their feedback could help you massage your messaging. The third house rules siblings, neighbors and anyone in your social circle, so take extra care to avoid misunderstandings in these relationships.

The usual Mercury retrograde precautions merit your attention, too. Back up all data and devices. Avoid signing contracts if you can (and triple-check that fine print while you’re at it). If you’re considering buying anything with wheels—car, e-bike, scooter—shop around and conduct your research.

On January 25, Mercury will back into Capricorn and your second house of work and money, joining an already-retrograde Venus here. Yikes! Signals could scramble around finances, or you could run into issues with a client or project. That said, this is a golden opportunity to untangle the wires and get your processes in place. By the time Mercury turns direct, your work could pay off with more stability and clearer communication among everyone involved in this endeavor. As famous as you are for saying “I’ll just do it myself,” this is a golden opportunity to delegate and hone your managerial skills rather than taking on a crushing workload. 


The Cancer new moon on January 17 can push you to extremes


The first full moon of 2022 arrives on January 17 in Cancer, which spotlights your eighth house of intimacy, privacy and mergers. Some of your closest bonds could hit a turning point in mid-January. Are there any truths you’ve been stuffing down? A full moon in this emotional zone can bring a LOT bubbling up to the surface—to your surprise as much as everyone else’s. And since it will stand opposite secretive Pluto, shocking information may be revealed. 


Your own money mindset is up for examination, and really, this full moon invites you to explore how you share power, space, assets—anything that falls under the realm of “property.” There’s no right or wrong approach to this, Sagittarius, so leave guilt aside and try to objectively examine your psyche. Your sign’s nature is to pursue freedom, the polar opposite of eighth-house permanence. Where have you gotten inextricably tied to a person, place or thing…and is it time to change those terms? 


This first full moon can put a romantic relationship or business partnership front and center. Joining forces strategically could lead to major mutual gain this year. Enter any “power couple” scenarios on crystal-clear terms. Pluto’s presence reminds you to keep an eye on your expenses and bottom line as well. For single Sags, sexual chemistry can reach scorcher status under this erotic full moon, but don’t expect a casual fling. Emotional and energetic attachments could form in spite of your resistance. 


Under a full moon of extremes, you might exit a longtime relationship. Should that happen, make sure you have support for the changes in your day-to-day life that could occur. And with mystical energy afoot from both Pluto and the eighth house, a ritual could also help ease the transition. How about a release ceremony—or, given the emotional energy of Cancer, a good cry? Let those bottled-up feelings move through your system.


The north node enters Taurus on January 18


You’re a spiritual being having a human experience, Sagittarius—and that means you live in a body. As such, you have to care about your physical existence instead of only relying on your natural bounty of energy and good luck. The second half of the month brings your chance: From January 18, 2022, until July 17, 2023, the lunar nodes will move to the Taurus/Scorpio axis, activating your zones of self-care (ruled by Taurus) and spirituality (governed by Scorpio). 


With the purpose-driven north node in Taurus, expect new opportunities to simplify and systematize your life. Maybe that means delegating and outsourcing work to a capable specialist so you have time to make healthy meals and get in some manner of workout every day.


Meantime, the karmic south node has FINALLY left Sagittarius, where it’s been creeping since May 2020. The past 18 months left you battle-tested and possibly with a fully-revamped sense of your passions, priorities and boundaries. Look back: You may not feel like the same person you were, or you may sense that you’re operating on a completely different internal frequency. Even if your life looks the same on the outside (which it may not, after a combo of this transit and the pandemic), it’s as if you’ve updated your whole operating system.


With the south node now in Scorpio and your twelfth house of closure, retreat and hidden influences, you may do some deep work on any mental wellness matters, whether you tackle an addiction or break through a lifelong pattern of excessive caretaking that’s attracted unhealthy people. Your spiritual gifts and even psychic powers could sharpen. 


The north node only visits Taurus every 18.5 years; it was last here from April 15, 2003 to December 26, 2004. If you can remember back to that time, you may see repeating themes arise again. While the Taurus north node DOES demand that you focus on the nuts and bolts of daily life, the Scorpio south node also helps you shed lingering baggage and become a clear channel for manifesting opportunities that are in tune with your soul’s new vibration.

And…Uranus turns direct in Taurus on January 18 


Wellness check! Your health gets an energy boost this January 18, when changemaker Uranus wakes up from a five-month retrograde in Taurus and your well-being zone. Out of the blue, you could be motivated to improve your fitness and bust out of any pandemic-induced or early-winter slumps. With tech-savvy Uranus here, your “New Year, New You” kick will be supported by apps that help you track your eating and exercise, whether that’s a wearable fitness device or a subscription to a streaming workout platform.


New job offers could come in once Uranus turns direct, or you might decide to start delegating and outsourcing if your plate is full. Uranus is here until 2026, and paired with the north node, you could start implementing systems that keep your days running like a well-oiled machine.

Have a little fun! Aquarius season starts on January 19


Back among the people you go, Sagittarius. On January 19, the Sun shifts into Aquarius and activates your third house of communication and socializing, putting you back into mingling mode. Now that’s more like it! Variety is the spice of the Centaur’s life, and you’ve been grinding since the beginning of the year pretty nonstop. Between the heavy-duty Capricorn pileup and Venus retrograde, not to mention shutdowns from the variant, you haven’t exactly had a full dance card. Just take your time refilling it: With Mercury retrograde in Aquarius until January 25, irksome cancellations and miscommunications could still cause delays.


Have you gotten stuck in an intellectual rut? Aquarius season has a cure for that: pursue novelty and open up to learning new skills. Feed your curiosity with podcasts and books, short online workshops. Adopt a “growth mindset” instead of a fixed one and really honor your natural font of curiosity. Over the next four weeks, your mind sharpens, and you’re bubbling with creative ideas. This is a lighter energy, also good for smoothing over any rough spots in a friendship. During Aquarius season, you’re more open to dialogue and willing to hear the other person out. Kindred spirits pop up, and you’re eager to get out, mingle and spread a message.

What do you value in love, Sagittarius? There’s no sweeping that aside in 2022 or settling for less. With romantic Venus on an extended visit to Capricorn from November 5 to March 6, your sense of self-worth is in the spotlight, especially in matters of the heart. And with Venus in reflective retrograde until January 29, you may see some not-so-pretty views of the ways you haven’t advocated for yourself or set clear limits with people.

Don’t get mad, get proactive. Use this Venus cycle to make new promises to yourself and clearer agreements with others. Maybe people just didn’t know what you needed—or didn’t think you minded carrying a heavier part of the load. But if you feel another person’s been taking advantage of your capable and generous ways, new policies could be in order.

Meanwhile, fiery Mars is careening through your sign until January 24, making you flirty, forthright and downright magnetic. The red planet can attract high-powered people into your circle, so play to your candid Archer persona and don’t hesitate to make the first move. Single Sags may have their pick of the litter, and if you’re coupled up, you can reignite sparks just by being your bold and feisty self. 


Caveat: Just because someone pours on the flattery doesn’t mean they’re romance material. You can be easily tempted by an admirer, especially if they share your high energy levels and humor. That doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun—just keep ‘em in the appropriate lane.

On January 24, Mars joins Venus in Capricorn, and both love planets will stay in this grounding sign until March 6. You may really start thinking about where a relationship is going. No need to rush into commitment. Wait until these cosmic players unite right after Valentine’s Day. Give yourself until (at least) then to sort out what matters to you.


With energizer Mars in Sagittarius until January 24, you’re on fire—and your charisma is palpable. The red planet only visits your sign every two years, and when it does, it fills you with life-force energy and unstoppable drive. You won’t be taking no for an answer or getting deterred by minor obstacles. Your soaring confidence and can-do spirit are contagious, so don’t be surprised when everyone clamors to be part of Team Sagittarius. 


On that note, your support systems are due for an overhaul, and they’ll be getting one starting January 18, when innovator Uranus turns direct in Taurus and your zone of helpful people after a five-month retrograde slowdown. That same day, the purposeful north node starts an 18-month visit to Taurus. This is all in the wake of the January 17 Cancer full moon, which beamed into your wealth-conscious eighth house. An investment or joint venture could pay off now. You might also have to shell out some cash for a larger expense. 


Ready to monetize one of those big schemes or dreams? With a planetary power crew in Capricorn and your money zone all month (including the January 2 new moon), you’re poised for profits. From January 24 to March 6, sizzling Mars will move through Capricorn and your second house of work and finances. Since the red planet can also fuel stress, be careful you don’t spend your bounty as fast as you earn it. This Martian cycle could bring a cash crunch or a nerve-wracking expense—but it can also motivate you to focus and hustle! If the competitive vibes stir up a work rivalry, bring the spirit of sportsmanship to it. Having another all-star around can spur you to be even better.

Love Days: 9, 13

Money Days: 21, 2

Luck Days: 18, 28

Off Days: 11, 16, 25


See All Signs

The AstroTwins Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been‘s official astrologers for over a decade.

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