
The Biggest Differences Between Hulu’s Tell Me Lies and the

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The Biggest Differences Between Hulu’s Tell Me Lies and the

For anyone who’s ever had a toxic, just-can’t-quit-you type of relationship with a significant other, the new Hulu show Tell Me Lies might feel a little too familiar. Executive produced by Emma Roberts and based on the addictive novel by Carola Lovering, the series introduces us to Lucy Albright (Grace Van Patten), a twentysomething woman on her way to her college friend’s engagement party—only to find her biggest-deal ex, Stephen DeMarco (Jackson James White), also in attendance. The series then flashes back to Lucy’s first year of college and proceeds to show us exactly how Lucy and Stephen got involved—and what their relationship ultimately cost, not only the two of them but everyone else in their orbit.

In the way that the storyline closely tracks Lucy’s time at Baird College and the evolution of her relationship with Stephen, the Hulu series remains fundamentally faithful to its source material. From the first scene, though, it’s clear that showrunner Meaghan Oppenheimer isn’t afraid to make a few departures from Lovering’s book. So what tweaks were made in adapting Tell Me Lies for the small screen? Glad you asked.

Tell Me Lies

Tell Me Lies

Spoilers for both the book and series of Tell Me Lies follow.

Setting: In the book, Lucy and Stephen have relocated from the neighboring Long Island towns of Cold Harbor and Bayville (respectively) to attend Baird College in sunny Southern California. In the series, Lucy and Stephen are both still Long Islanders—but Baird College has been moved to New York State. It’s hard to tell exactly where the college is located, but given the characters’ semi-regular jaunts into NYC, we’d have to guess it’s no more than an hour or two north of the city.

Lucy’s relationship with food: We learn from almost the first page of the book that Lucy lives with a pretty severe eating disorder, and that she’s been struggling with it for quite some time. Throughout the novel, Lovering pulls no punches in describing the extent to which Lucy’s preoccupation with food shapes her life. In the series, however, little to no mention is made of Lucy’s relationship to food. In fact, this seems to be a complete nonissue for her.

Family matters: In the novel, Lucy comes from a well-off family in Cold Harbor, Long Island, and grew up surrounded by preppy teenage tennis players with their sights set on Ivy League colleges. Her dad is well-to-do, whereas her mother, CJ, comes from a less illustrious background and is very invested in her identity as a rich man’s wife. In the series, Lucy hails from the same affluent community, but her own family’s circumstances are a little less grand. CJ is a working mom, and Lucy—who, in the book, took tennis lessons during a pivotal high school summer—hasn’t spent much time courtside. Most significantly, her father, who passed away several years ago, was an army vet—not quite the high-flying financial professional he is in the novel.

Episodic Changes

While the big-picture changes are significant, the differences get a lot more pronounced as you watch the individual episodes. Here’s what each installment does differently from the novel.

Episode 1

A lot happens in the first episode: Lucy settles in at school, where she meets her soon-to-be besties and her new roommate—Macy Campbell. Lucy and Macy quickly bond with Pippa and Bree, who live in the room across the hall, and Pippa invites the girls to a junior-year party at her friend-with-benefits Wrigley’s house. There, Lucy meets Stephen—who seems to intrigue and alienate her in equal measure—as well as Diana, whom Lucy doesn’t yet know is Stephen’s on-again, off-again ex-girlfriend. Within days, the excitement of the new school year comes crashing to a halt—literally—when Macy dies in a car accident while driving home from an off-campus party.

  • Bree getting married: In the book, Lucy is heading to Bree’s wedding (and plus-ones aren’t allowed unless engaged or married, so she’s flying solo). In the show, Lucy is on her way to Bree’s engagement party—and she leaves her boyfriend home on purpose, telling him it’s not a big enough deal for him to come, then lying to her friends at the party by saying that he was held up because of work.
  • Rearranged roommates: In the book, Lucy shows up at Baird haunted by the death of a high school friend named Macy Peterson. Once there, she quickly forms a bond with her roommate, Jackie, who’s also from Long Island. In the first episode of the series, though, Lucy shows up to her dorm room to meet her new roommate—Macy Campbell. By the end of the episode, Macy dies just as she did in the book, making the trauma of her death a much fresher experience for Lucy than it was in the novel.
  • Stephen’s mom: Stephen has a fraught relationship with his parents in both the book and the series. In the novel, that’s because his mom was severely mentally ill, and he hasn’t seen her since his dad—who’s still hung up on her—divorced her when Stephen was a teenager. In the series, Stephen’s mom is still a difficult woman, but it’s his dad who’s no longer in the picture: he tells Lucy that his dad left them when he was little, leaving his mom to raise him and his two siblings by herself.
  • Wrigley’s brother: Wrigley is largely the same as he was in the book—warm, friendly, a little too into coke—but a prominent new addition is the addition of Drew, Wrigley’s little brother, who is also a freshman at Baird. (Wrigley makes no mention of any siblings in the novel.) Drew seems to hit it off with Bree, but that ends after he ghosts her following Macy’s death. Speaking of which, it becomes clear by the close of the episode that he knows more about the accident than he initially let on…

tell me lies    “lightning strikes”   episode 101    lucy starts her freshman year at baird college, where an unexpected turn of events during welcome week flips her life upside down macy lily mcinerny and lucy grace van patten, shown photo by josh stringerhulu

Macy (Lily McInerny) and Lucy (Grace Van Patten) share a moment in the dining hall.

Josh Stringer/Hulu

Episode 2

At the beginning of the episode, Drew tells Wrigley and Stephen exactly what he knows about Macy’s death—and Stephen advises him to keep it a secret. Meanwhile, Stephen and Lucy grow closer.

  • Drew’s involvement: In tears, Drew admits that he was at an off-campus party the night Macy died, left to make an alcohol run—and swerved to avoid an oncoming car that appeared to come out of nowhere. The other car crashed, and Drew fled the scene without calling for help, only discovering later that the driver who crashed was Macy. This marks a significant departure from the book, in which Macy’s death took place while she and Lucy were still in high school, and Stephen was the only other person at Baird who ever knew her—let alone was affected by her death.
  • Princess Diana: In the book, Lucy never really interacts with Diana, Stephen’s on-and-off ex. In the second episode, however, she attends a fundraiser thrown by Diana’s sorority, where she’s dismayed to learn that Diana is actually a genuinely sweet and kind person.

tell me lies    “hot blooded”   episode 102    lucy struggles with the aftermath of welcome week and goes on her first date with stephen diana alicia crowder, shown photo by josh stringerhulu

Alicia Crowder as Diana.

Josh Stringer/Hulu

Episode 3

The secret of Drew’s involvement in Macy’s death starts to reach new people. Meanwhile, Stephen and Lucy are getting hot and heavy, but Stephen doesn’t want to be monogamous with her. (Probably because he’s secretly still trying to get back with Diana, though Lucy doesn’t know that.) He encourages her to see other people—and she decides to take him up on it. At home, Stephen is going through his old photos…including several naked pictures he took of Macy. Dun, dun, dun!

  • Wrigley’s disability: We learn in this episode that Wrigley has a serious learning disability, but he apparently hasn’t told anyone in his life about it and is extremely reluctant to ask for testing accommodations. Just when it seems a failed midterm may force him off the football team, the sports-obsessed alumni association arranges for him to receive academic support in private.
  • The bartender: While out getting drinks in town with Bree, Lucy meets a bartender named Max, who turns out to be the bar owner’s son. Bree heads back to campus, but Lucy stays behind—and winds up spending the night with Max, who doesn’t appear in the book at all.
  • The truth gets out: After trying to make each other jealous at a party, Pippa and Wrigley get into a fight that only gets further complicated by Drew. When Drew drunkenly blurts out some cryptic comments in front of Pippa, Wrigley chases after her and tells her about where Drew was the night Macy died. Though Wrigley and Pippa ultimately make up and decide to date exclusively, she admits to him that she wishes he’d never told her.

tell me lies    “we don’t touch, we collide”   episode 103    pressure on wrigley intensifies, bleeding into his relationship with pippa lucy and stephen discuss exclusivity wrigley spencer house and drew benjamin wadsworth, shown photo by josh stringerhulu

Spencer House as Wrigley (left) and Benjamin Wadsworth as Drew (right).

Josh Stringer/Hulu

Episode 4

While attempting to juggle secret relationships with both Lucy and Diana, Stephen goes to stay at Diana’s family’s place in Manhattan while interviewing for an important legal internship. He tells Lucy he’s actually staying at Evan’s parents’ house, but after he invites her to come join him in the city, Lucy begins to suspect that Stephen may be lying to her. Pippa and Wrigley have made their relationship official, but Pippa is deeply conflicted about hiding Drew’s involvement in Macy’s death. Meanwhile, Bree finally loses her virginity and begins exploring a newfound connection with Evan—as well as reconnecting with Drew.

  • Stephen’s class anxiety: In the book, Stephen pursues a legal career with a single-mindedness born of his desire to escape the less-secure circumstances of his youth. He is determined to be rich, at any cost. In the series, Stephen is similarly concerned with setting himself up for success, but his family’s financial precarity is far more pronounced, and its effects on Stephen’s psyche are made clear. In his job interview, Stephen tries to present himself as more affluent than he actually is—a move that ultimately backfires and results in his tanking the interview. And when Lucy later accuses Stephen of hiding their relationship by only taking her on off-campus dates instead of to parties, he calls her spoiled for failing to consider that he comes from a less privileged background than hers—so the fact that he spends what money he has on dates actually matters. (Of course, two things can be true: after all, he is hiding their relationship from Diana…)
  • Diana’s background: We know very little about Diana in the novel other than how Stephen feels about dating and sleeping with her. In the show, she gets to be a fully fleshed-out person—even if she seems unrealistically perfect. She clearly comes from money; her family’s New York City loft is massive, and after Stephen bombs his interview (and it seems she may have pulled some strings to get him in the first place), she takes on the responsibility of helping him find something else. Still, it’s clear that Stephen resents her privilege, even as she tries to leverage it to support him.
  • Bree’s backstory: As written in the novel, Bree doesn’t have much to do, but that changes as a result of her expanded role in the series. In both the book and the show, Bree and Evan travel in the same circles. In contrast to the novel, where Stephen finally introduces them for the first time after everyone’s out of college, their first meeting in the show is a bit more awkward: Bree is hired as a nude model for Evan’s art class. They next bump into each other at the mailroom, where he sees her laughing at a postcard she’s received. This leads to a conversation in which Bree reveals that she’s a former foster kid—an element of her background that was not present in the book—and admits that she hasn’t told this to any of their other friends, not because she’s ashamed but because “they haven’t asked.”

tell me lies    “take off your pants and jacket”   episode 104    bree attempts to lose her virginity stephen goes to new york city for the weekend, while lucy tries to figure out where their relationship stands bree catherine missal, shown photo by josh stringerhulu

Catherine Missal as Bree.

Josh Stringer/Hulu

Episode 5

Lucy and Stephen make loose plans to see each other over Christmas break, but those plans fall by the wayside as each gets caught up in family drama: Lucy stokes her resentment toward her mom while Stephen’s mother becomes determined to weasel her way back into her ex-husband’s life. Meanwhile, Lucy decides to go to Macy’s memorial service in Stephen and Macy’s nearby hometown of Bayville—where she finds evidence that Stephen and Macy were closer than he’s led her to believe.

  • Stephen’s family: In the first episode, Stephen told Lucy that his mother, who raised him and his siblings alone after their dad left, is a difficult woman. (In the book, Stephen’s mother is the absent parent.) In this episode, we learn that this is an understatement. She guilt-trips her three children into centering their lives on her emotional whims, barely seems aware of her responsibilities as a parent, and has started stalking her kids’ father’s pregnant girlfriend. At least the kids are somewhat united in their efforts to survive her destructive ways: When Stephen’s little sister Sadie asks him for help applying to boarding school—an application process that requires a parent’s signature, but which the kids’ mom would never in a million years sign off on—Stephen blackmails their father into signing the forms, thereby giving Sadie an extra shot at getting out of their childhood home.
  • CJ’s betrayal: In both versions of the story, Lucy’s disdain for her mother, CJ, runs deep. In the novel, her animosity can be traced back to the summer Lucy was 14, when she witnessed her married mother having an affair with Gabe Petersen, Lucy’s 22-year-old tennis coach and crush (and Macy’s older brother). In the series, CJ is a widow, and her betrayal is even more heart-wrenching: Three years ago, when Lucy’s dad was dying of cancer, CJ had an affair with his best friend Jake. Now, while on holiday break, Lucy is horrified to discover that CJ has seemingly been spending time with Jake again.
  • Diana and Wrigley: While the book implies that Stephen has introduced his family to Diana, it’s unclear how much she knows about his fraught relationship with his parents. In this episode, however, it’s clear when Stephen calls Diana for emotional support that she has at least some understanding of what he’s going through. She surprises him with a visit to his mom’s house, and after sex, she shares some information that didn’t exist in the novel: During Welcome Week their freshman year, Diana and Wrigley hooked up. She thinks the story is funny and inconsequential, especially now that two and a half years have passed, but one look at Stephen’s face makes it clear that he isn’t amused.

tell me lies    “merry fcking christmas”   episode 105    lucy and stephen go home for winter break and deal with family tension meanwhile, lucy uncovers a secret cj jessica capshaw, shown photo by josh stringerhulu

Jessica Capshaw as CJ, Lucy’s mother.

Josh Stringer/Hulu

Episode 6

Even as Stephen begins to trip over his own lies—telling Diana that Lucy’s just a stranger with a crush on him; telling Lucy that he barely knew Macy, and that he and Diana are no longer involved—he still somehow manages to stay in control over the competing narratives he’s sharing with others. Meanwhile, disturbed by Diana’s revelation about her and Wrigley’s freshman-year hookup, Stephen begins to lash out at both his friend and his ex-girlfriend.

  • Lucy’s new roommate: After living alone in the room she’d initially shared with Macy for the rest of fall semester, Lucy now has a new roommate—not Jackie, her roommate and friend from the book, but a lesbian transfer student and ex-dance major named Charlie. Somewhat refreshingly, Charlie seems to harbor some good-natured skepticism towards the friend group’s heterosexual antics. Here’s hoping we’ll see more of her this season.
  • Telling the “truth”: By bringing Macy’s death out of Lucy’s past and into the world of Baird College, the series has already altered that storyline in a pretty significant way, so it’s unsurprising that Stephen’s involvement—which is revealed to the reader fairly early on in the book but doesn’t become known to Lucy until the very end—changes, too. At Macy’s memorial over the holidays, Lucy wandered into Macy’s room and found a flower doodle on a piece of Baird stationery that was identical to a drawing Stephen had given her on their first date. When she confronts him with this knowledge, Stephen breaks down, revealing that he and Macy used to hook up in high school, and that he was with her the night she died. Stephen admits that he fled the scene, but insists that Macy was definitely drunk, definitely driving the car, and definitely dead by the time he regained consciousness after the crash. Then he reveals one more piece of information: The person who drove him and Macy off the road that night—and left them there to die—was Wrigley’s brother Drew.

tell me lies    “and i’m sorry if i dissed you”   episode 106    lucy confronts stephen about what she found at macy’s memorial charlie zoe renee, shown photo by josh stringerhulu

Zoe Renee joins as Charlie.

Josh Stringer

Episode 7

In the transition from page to screen, the Baird upperclassmen’s annual weekend trip to Lake Mead becomes a getaway at Evan’s family’s lake house as the gang gathers to celebrate his 21stbirthday. Tensions mount among the friends as Evan and Drew vie for Bree’s affections, Wrigley’s coke habit provokes discord, and Lucy barely attempts to hide her disdain for Drew.

  • Bonding with Bree: In contrast to Bree and Evan’s subdued post-college courtship in the book, every character on the show is seemingly obsessed with getting the two together—which finally happens at the end of their lakeside weekend trip. More significantly, however, the series also takes the time to show us just what the two have in common: a desire to define themselves on their own terms, rather than according to others’ expectations of them, and a quiet awareness of just how selfish the rest of their friends really are. (For example: Evan bought his own birthday cake for the weekend because he knew none of his friends were going to bother.)
  • Wrigley’s coke habit: While the novel only broadly touches on his issues with addiction, this episode shows us exactly what kind of havoc a coked-up Wrigley can wreak. He’s annoying, even worse at reading a room than usual, and recklessly destructive. At one point, he breaks Evan’s parents’ glass patio table because he tried to fling a bowling ball into the pool from the balcony and missed.
  • Stephen vs. Pippa: Pippa isn’t exactly Stephen’s biggest fan in the novel, but the show brings them into direct conflict. In a previous episode, Pippa reamed Stephen out for lying to Lucy about Diana, to which Stephen responded by calling her a hypocrite for failing to tell Lucy what Wrigley had told her about the night of Macy’s death. Their hostility toward each other only grows in this episode, with Pippa prodding Stephen into posing for cute, relationship-y pictures with Lucy—only for Stephen to destroy the photos in front of Pippa’s face while no one else is around.

tell me lies    “castle on a cloud”   episode 107    the group goes to evan’s lake house to celebrate his 21st birthday wrigley spencer house, shown photo by josh stringerhulu

Josh Stringer/Hulu

Episode 8

Pippa’s dad comes to visit, and he’s clearly worried about her in a way that suggests she may have been bullied in high school. It’s an implication that Pippa confirms to Lucy’s new roommate, Charlie, to whom she confides that she’s never had close friends before. As Pippa and Charlie grow closer, Charlie observes that Pippa has deep people-pleasing tendencies and encourages her to figure out who she actually is. Not realizing that Stephen already told her, Pippa works up the nerve to tell Lucy about Drew’s involvement in Macy’s death. Increasingly upset over the fact that Drew has faced no consequences, Lucy writes an anonymous letter to the Dean that reads, “Ask Drew Wrigley about the night Macy Campbell died.” Meanwhile, Stephen gets a call from his mother: She knows that he helped his sister Sadie apply to boarding school, and as a result, she’s refusing to pay for his housing next year.

  • Pippa’s sexuality: There are clear vibes between Pippa and Charlie during their many hang-out sessions, which escalate into an attempted hookup after an on-campus festival called Spring Fling. Pippa tells Charlie that she doesn’t want to break up with Wrigley, but she’s clearly hurt when Charlie brushes Pippa off as an undatable straight girl—and when Charlie starts dating another girl at Baird. By contrast, nothing in the book ever indicates that Pippa might be anything other than straight.
  • Putting a label on it: Lucy and Stephen aren’t quite at the “I love you” stage—which makes it awkward when Lucy accidentally blurts it out during sex—but Stephen reluctantly agrees to go to Spring Fling with her, where Lucy deliberately makes out with him in full view of Diana. When Diana visits Stephen at his dorm room the next day, she makes a move on him, only for him to rebuff her—which leaves Diana incensed that Stephen would be faithful to Lucy after constantly cheating on Diana. This marks a departure from the book, where Stephen avoided being seen in public with Lucy (and continued to date Diana) through the end of Lucy’s freshman year.

tell me lies    “don’t go wasting your emotion”   episode 108    pippa has complicated feelings after wrigley meets her dad lucy makes a decision to protect stephen pippa sonia mena, shown photo by josh stringerhulu

Sonia Mena as Pippa.

Josh Stringer/Hulu

Episode 9

The Dean’s office investigates Drew’s involvement in Macy’s death, heightening tensions within the group as everyone denies writing the anonymous letter. Meanwhile, Lucy’s writing professor has found the old LiveJournal entry which Lucy repurposed into her class assignment, and Lucy may be facing serious consequences for plagiarism unless Lucy can prove the LiveJournal is hers. Finally, at the end of the episode, Lucy breaks down and admits to Stephen that she wrote the letter to the Dean’s office.

  • Seeing other people: In the book, though Lucy has some idea of Stephen’s ongoing involvement with Diana, the two don’t discuss the other people they’re seeing—as a matter of fact, for the duration of her freshman year, Lucy isn’t seeing anyone but Stephen. In this episode, though, Stephen and Lucy run into her ex-fling Max on the street while out in town, leading to a discussion—and some hot-and-cold behavior from Stephen.
  • Stephen’s alibi: On a similar note, Lucy runs into an acquaintance on campus who mentions that she saw Stephen at the party Macy attended before she died. Lucy impulsively swears that isn’t possible because he spent the night in her dorm, even though the truth is that they didn’t begin hooking up until weeks later.
  • Wrigley, wrecked: Toward the end of the episode, Drew shows up drunk at a house party, accuses Pippa of writing the letter to the Dean’s office, and gets into a fistfight with his brother. When Wrigley pulls away from the fight and goes to lean on the balcony railing, the balcony collapses underneath him, sending him plummeting to the street and possibly spelling the end of his football career—an event that never takes place in the book.
  • CJ’s secret: In addition to changing the specifics of Lucy’s mother CJ’s “Unforgivable Thing” (as her betrayal is called in the book), the show also takes a different route to the mother-daughter confrontation over CJ’s actions. Whereas the book saw Lucy confront CJ directly sometime after graduating from Baird, the show puts Lucy in the position of having to call CJ to campus to bail her out. In order to prove that Lucy wrote the LiveJournal entry, she has to ask CJ to come and explain to her professor that the events in the LiveJournal post actually happened—meaning that Lucy is the only person who could have written it.

tell me lies    “sugar, we’re going down swingin”   episode 109    things between wrigley and drew come to a head lucy is forced to confront her past pippa sonia mena and wrigley spencer house, shown photo by josh stringerhulu

Pippa (Sonia Mena) and Wrigley (Spencer House)

Josh Stringer/Hulu

Episode 10

In a series of flashbacks, we see the events leading up to Macy’s death from a perspective we haven’t seen before—Macy’s. Returning to the end of freshman year, Stephen finds out that Lucy lied to give him an alibi for the night of Macy’s death. Rather than be grateful, he gets angry with her for telling people a story that could be so easily debunked. Finally, in the last scene of the episode, the season ends where it began: with Lucy, now in her mid-twenties, running into Stephen for the first time in years at Bree’s engagement party.

  • Macy’s death: In this episode, we finally learn that Stephen wasn’t just present when Macy died; he’s the person who crashed the car and killed her. In the book, the car crash was the result of Stephen drunkenly convincing Macy, who was sober, to give him oral sex from the passenger seat while he drove them home from the party. In the show, Stephen is driving drunk after Macy realizes—somewhat ironically—that she’s too intoxicated to drive; he and Macy are arguing when Drew’s car comes around the corner, which shocks Stephen into driving off the road and crashing the car.
  • Wrigley’s observations: In the book, Wrigley doesn’t seem to have much to say to Stephen about Lucy while the two are dating. (In fact, at Bree’s wedding, Wrigley explicitly tells Lucy that he always liked her and thought she was too good for Stephen. In the show, while Wrigley is resting his crushed leg, he expresses some misgivings about Lucy to Stephen. He observes that Stephen treats Lucy like glass, whereas Stephen had always trusted Diana to take care of herself. He asks Stephen if that’s really the kind of relationship he wants.
  • Lucy’s mistake: As in the book, Stephen decides to get back together with Diana at the end-of-year luau, and Lucy is crushed as she watches Stephen and Diana leave the party together. In the book, this happens as they’re sharing a student rideshare back to campus, but in the series, Lucy stays behind at the party. After watching the whole thing go down, Evan offers to get drunk with Lucy—a decision that proves to be a mistake when Lucy wakes up the next morning to find Evan naked in her bed.
  • Stephen’s fiancée: In the book, Stephen shows up to Bree and Evan’s wedding with his new fiancée, Jillian, whom he started dating after college around the time he and Lucy broke up for good. In the last moments of the episode, Stephen and Lucy make small talk at the engagement party when Stephen’s fiancée comes out to join them—and she turns out to be none other than Lucy’s high school friend Lydia. Sorry, what?!?

Watch Tell Me Lies on Hulu

Headshot of Keely  Weiss

Keely Weiss is a writer and filmmaker. She has lived in Los Angeles, New York, and Virginia and has a cat named after Perry Mason.

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