Penn Badgley and Cardi B‘s friendship was one of many plot twists that accompanied the release of You‘s third season this month, and people are hoping their interaction sparks another fun surprise down the road.
Prince Williams / WireImage via Getty Images, Jim Spellman / Getty Images
In case you missed it — Penn and Cardi engaged in a brief but nonetheless glorious Twitter exchange last week, after the rapper uncovered an old interview in which the actor praised her relationship with fans, and promptly deemed herself “famous famous” as a result.
@PennBadgley / @iamcardib / Via Twitter: @PennBadgley
The pair went on to switch avatars, before Cardi got right down to business and pitched her future You cameo to Netflix.
So it’s episode 1 and I’m at Paris Fashion week shutting it down! I turn around and there stands YOU Ok finish it off @netflix
@iamcardib / Via Twitter: @iamcardib
The studio’s clever response, plus its Twitter bio at the time, suggested Cardi’s involvement in season four of the popular thriller wasn’t necessarily off the table, and fans quickly weighed in with a petition calling for the artist to guest star.
@netflix / Via Twitter: @netflix
Penn, who described his repartee with Cardi as “a thing we have now” during a recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, is aware of the online campaign to make her proposed You appearance a reality.
Slaven Vlasic / Getty Images
Unfortunately, Penn told the talk show’s host that he isn’t privy to any actual plans in the works to bring Cardi onto the show.
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Jimmy Kimmel Live / Via
“I mean, I definitely can’t say,” he shared, while acknowledging, per the petition, they’re “changing the world, you know.” We know.
“I can’t say because I don’t know,” Penn emphasized of whether we’ll be seeing Cardi on You someday. “I actually don’t know. I’m not being coy.”
Hey, it could still happen! You can watch Penn’s full Jimmy Kimmel Live appearance here.
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