Story 01: Grim Reaper
I was heading home with my friends from a party. All of us were pretty wasted. On our way back we suddenly came across a mysterious girl. Even though I was against of picking up a hitchhiker at that hour of the night my friend disagreed and let us into our car. As we drove all of my friends made conversation with her. But the strange part was even though my friends could hear her voice, I couldn’t!
Story 02: Last stop
I was driving along the empty, dark highway when I saw a young girl standing on the side of the road in her nightgown. Her eyes look pale and scared. I could even see bruises on her entire body. I offered her a lift to the nearest medical store but I could tell she was extremely worried about something. Did anything bad happen to her? What was she doing alone on the empty highway amidst the freezing cold in her nightgown?
Story 03: Tap Tap Tap
My cheap rental gave up during my late-night highway ride. I had no other option than to hitchhike. That’s when I met a suspicious truck driver who agreed to pick me up without asking any questions. As I got onto his truck, I realized this man is not what he seems! And not just that something kept tapping in the back of the truck in a very spooky manner. What the hell is this man up to?
#IMRscarytales #hichhiking #scary
Written by:- spookiebiscuit
CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/Liteitup576
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