And we’re not talking wedding day bloopers kind of horror stories.
These are three allegedly real wedding horror stories submitted by viewers.
Forgot to credit the authors in the video.
Story 1 : Jason
Story 2 : Anonymous
Story 3 : Jerry Müller
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/realmrnight…
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mista_nightmare?l…
Listen to these stories + more:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/071MBMLwjKsfHLZDs3OolC?si=f74e5d02dced4300&nd=1
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/mr-nightmare-scary-stories-for-sleep-study-and-chill/pl.u-76oNlB6uvGqv5B3
Amazon music: https://music.amazon.de/user-playlists/0e87b257952c48139d8884a1c8b0cacbdede’
If you want to send me any scary content including personal stories, pictures, videos, news events, or any strange findings from the internet, please send it through email: mrnightmareinbox@gmail.com
Please just try to make your emails neat and understandable grammar wise.
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