No matter what you might think of movies under The Asylum umbrella, they are entertaining if only for the meme culture. People probably don’t watch their movies for their cinematic splendor; the company is truant on quality. Even “original ideas” are Best Value versions of much better works.
So it is probably no surprise that the studio is hot on the tail of Cocaine Bear which has been surprisingly successful in critic rounds and box office receipts. The story, about a wild black bear who goes on a killing spree after becoming addicted to blow, could arguably be categorized as a top-shelf parody itself, but the world needs more and Asylum is going to give it you.
Upping the ante, and the buzz, just a bit, EW, and Asylum, reports that Attack of the Meth Gator is coming this summer.
Hold our bear… I mean, beer.
Coming for your life this summer.
— The Asylum (@theasylumcc) February 24, 2023
And just to clarify that the knockoff is really happening, Asylum also tweeted: “We’re pumping the meth into Florida’s fresh water reserves as we speak!”
The one danger that might come out of all of this drug-use animal horror is that it glamorizes or pokes fun at addiction. Some might say that it’s a downer to point that out, and it is, but families that have struggled with drugs can tell you it’s a monster of its own.
The Asylum
If you or someone you know is currently struggling with substance abuse you can talk to someone who might be able to help at the National Drug and Alcohol Treatment hotline: 800-662-HELP(4357). Or click HERE.