Giallo Julian highlights this incredible video from In Praise of Shadows.
Hey Gorehounds & Fright Fiends! I’m not going to talk too much here. I just wanted to bring some attention to a very well-done video about Nicolas Cage I’ve watched recently, courtesy of the YouTube channel In Praise of Shadows.
It’s no secret that I’m friends with the channel’s creator, Zane Whitener, but I feel there’s no bias in saying that this is an important video.
Important how?
Well, important in viewing creators as people (whether they’re actors, artists, writers, what have you) and recognizing the lasting impacts that trends can have.
Also, it’s about Nicolas Cage, who’s one of my favorite actors ever and always worth a watch. So if you have three hours to kill or just need an interesting video to play in the background while you work, I highly recommend it.

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