Obviously, not everybody is going to like the same things you do. It’s human nature to have different opinions, but when it comes to classic horror films you would think the amount of 1-star reviews on Letterboxd would be minimal. They’re classics! But that’s not the case, some of the movies listed below have bad reviews in the thousands.
We can say, that a lot of the bad reviews aren’t really reviews at all. Things like “I hated it” or “It was too gross” aren’t really based on the merit of the filmmaker, actors, or special effects. That being said, I think calling a movie “boring” is a valid personal review. But we appreciate the people actually took the time to explain why they gave the movie only one star.
We even ran into some reviews like The Exorcist where the reviewer gave it a bad rating because it was so disturbing; the actual point of the film. They hated the movie for doing what it was intended to do. Wouldn’t that make it five stars?
At any rate, we picked some of your favorites that are universally loved, but to some, they fell short of the mark for whatever reason. Additionally, this isn’t a case of review bombing since these films have already had their theatrical run, in some cases, decades ago.
When you’re done reading, let us know if there is a beloved classic title that you didn’t like but everyone else loves.
The Shining (1982)

“actual boring movie, never fell asleep watching a horror movie but fell asleep during this one.” — Luca
“I actually fell asleep from boredom. It’s apparently a ‘classic’ or whatever but i think it’s what taught other films how to send someone comatose or something like that Idk. But there actually loads of moments that were referenced in the substance for example and loads of other films! That was kinda cool, like the twins and the bike and the carpet and the blood lift and the stare and here’s johnny. Also shelley duval ateeee.” — soobviouslyaha
The Exorcist (1973)
“The most overhyped movie ever. It was so boring. There was maybe 15-20 minutes of actual horror but the rest was just talking and it was soooo boring and hard to watch. The movie is way too long and it takes way too long to get to the horror. It should not be a classic horror movie it is insanely boring. I would not recommend this ever. Ending was just whatever. It has the slowest build up possible and not even worth the hype. The movie looked good for the year that it was filmed but for it to be one of the most recommended horror movies I was so disappointed. Would probably never watch ever again.” — Sayenpn
“i don’t know what you all see in this. maybe i wasn’t in the mood but i could not get myself to care at all. this wasn’t the least bit frightening to me, it was just gross. sexualizing a little girl to show that she’s possessed will never not be revolting to me and always feels like cheap shock value.” — Sarah
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
“i don’t even have a joke this is just a bad movie. i’m sure the next 6 movies in the series are better tho.” — Jackson
“One star solely for Heather Langenkamp and young Johnny! Heather carried the movie for sure, some of the practical effects were OK for the time but overall boring and not scary and corny. Sorry!” — Kem Cage
“Guys did we watch the same movie? These ratings are the real spook fr.
I’m not getting ‘camp,’ I’m just getting ‘bad,’ unfortunately – the acting, the effects, the ‘plot,’ the ending, the way it drags at an hour and a half through its weird ass use of time, the lack of scary……I’ve genuinely never felt so gaslit by a movie’s hype. The practical effects are acceptable but that’s all I really have to say!” — Walmart Corky
Halloween (1978)
“Cool movie about characters walking from place to place talking about random shit for 50 minutes while a guy stands in the distance menacingly and breathes loudly. All building up to the riveting conclusion where Michael Myers keeps repeatedly reassembling himself off the floor like a Dry Bones from Mario.
“Like yeah, sure, maybe if I had watched this in 1978, I would’ve thought it was brilliant. But if I saw someone smacking two stones together in 5000 BC, I’d probably think that was brilliant too.The fact that all the movies that ripped this one off also generally suck doesn’t help the “Seinfeld Is Unfunny Syndrome” case either. (Literally the only time I can think of that these tropes have ever worked is in Scream, because that’s a parody movie).” — MMK
“This was very boring.” — Rob
Friday the 13th (1980)
“Strip Monopoly… kids knew how to have fun back then…But seriously, is this a parody of “Psycho” ? — Boris Gemmeaux
“A classic, I suppose, though it was done better in Black Christmas or even Tower of Evil.” — CanadianaJan
Terrifier 3
“i liked this one better than terrifier 2 and less than terrifier 1. i did like some of the modern nuance they gave to it with mia in particular being a pushy self entitled podcaster, but i just felt the amount of gore in this one was truly unnecessary and just lost any impact it might have had.” — Emi
“The potential is there but it feels like a tubi parody with a huge budget most of the time.” — DJ
Scream (1996)
“i can’t understand why this movie ever got so popular. The plot is lazy and lowkey disgusting, not even scary. I get the iconic mask, but everything else is… ok. The plot twist wasnt even a plot twist if you looked close enough. But i get it: it was a hollywood movie destined for success, just like any other mainstream movie nowadays, that succeeded because it pleases the general public. That doesnt make it a good movie in my opinion.” — stephmonkey
“meh, it’s a good enough horror movie esp for the time, obviously a classic but nothing amazing or not done before.” — bellaxwells