It is hard to believe that the brilliant Adult Swim series, The Venture Bros. began all the way back in August of 2004. The long-running series has been a brilliant take on early Hannah Barbara as well as a smart, yet spoofy, take on certain Marvel characters. Plus, no other character is quite as badass as Brock Sampson, the only person who might be able to take John Wick.
The complete series of The Venture Bros. is headed to a store shelf near you. The complete box set includes a total of 82 episodes. You can find it on a special DVD collection as well as a digital collection here.
There’s nothing quite like The Venture Bros. It speaks to how good the series is to know how many times it was almost canceled before ending up being saved by the bell. The fans seriously managed to keep this one alive and it was fantastic to see.
The complete series box is brilliant all on its own. It manages to actually look like something that the Ventures managed to dig up on one of their many missions.
The synopsis for The Venture Bros. goes like this:
For the first time in the history of the world, every single episode of The Venture Bros. ever created! Stuffed full of your favorite evil nemeses, and larger-than-life heroes, plus a few smaller-than-life ones. It’s never not a great time to watch your favorite episode from any season, followed by any other episode from any other season. From “Dia de los Dangerous” to “The Saphrax Protocol” it’s all in one place!
The Venture Bros. arrives on digital and DVD beginning June 13.
You can head over HERE to pre-order your copy of The Venture Bros. Complete Series now.