In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of The Rocky Horror Picture Show in 2025, DRagonSTUDIOS presents The Transylvanians: A Rocky Horror Musical Tribute Film.
The story follows a young priest dispatched on a peculiar mission to uncover the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of a couple from Denton. Their last known location? An eerie old Gothic house alive with wild parties, hosted by the enigmatic Dark Lord ALUCARD.
Upon arrival, the priest is greeted by a colorful cast of eccentric relatives and a flamboyant group of vampires known as The Transylvanians. These glamorous, twisted undead revelers are devoted followers of the Dark Lord, embodying a world of decadence and bizarre charm. With many original cast members from The Rocky Horror Picture Show reprising their roles, the evening promises to be a riot of vampy musical numbers, cheeky horror, and irresistible allure.
The Transylvanians crowdfunding campaign launches on January 31, 2025 through CineBacker