Here’s something I’ll bet you haven’t heard of. Eternal Family, a streaming platform specializing in “surreal, rare, and lost media,” might just be the coolest thing you see on the internet today. I’d never heard of it before, but with a free week promo and an annual membership for just $69 (nice), you can bet I’ll be checking it out. Here’s what Eternal Family has to say about themselves:
Find obscure and underrated gems to watch from a curated streaming catalog that includes a variety of feature films, shows & compilations, passive experiences, and self-made shorts.
You can browse their entire catalog here to get a sense of what I’m talking about. The library of titles available is diverse. You can search all sections, or specify by Horror/Thriller, Rare Oddities (yes, please), Audiovisual Tapes, Soft Content, and everything in between. It is all stacked to the brim with sensational goodies.
Netflix comes and goes, but family is forever

Want to catch Dario Argento’s Phenomena? Eternal Family has it. What about Wishman, a movie about” a genetic experiment condemned to spend its life in the lab. Two employees decide it deserves freedom, so they escape with it.” Well, you can, and you can watch it for free without even subscribing.
In truth, I haven’t heard of half of the titles they have, and few but the most devoted among us probably have, but their curated collection is the stuff of late-night legend. Yes, I’m excited to stream Wishman and then excitedly tell all my friends about this crazy 1983 short they never knew existed.
Presently, the more conventional horror titles are a bit sparse. Save for The Changeling, they’re principally of the Giallo variety, but they’re likely more recognizable anchors for the really good stuff like Tokyo Disneyland, an actual thirty-minute promotional short for the titular park, previously only available on Laserdisc. If that’s not your jam, why not check out the liminal Rejuvenique Tutorial, the “complete Tutorial VHS that accompanied the Rejuvenique Facial Toning system from 1999.” Come on.
And if you want to check out some original content from Eternal Family, we’ve got you covered. The streamer’s self-produced series The Family is free to watch on YouTube, and it’s an uncanny nightmare.
Watch it here if you’re a lunatic:
When you get the chance, I’d encourage you to check Eternal Family out. In the meantime, let me know what you think over on Twitter @Chadiscollins. I can’t promise I’ll respond, though. I might be busy watching the Obayashi Corporation CG Promotional Video.