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Now you are seeing horror movies.
Horror movies are a genre of film that are designed to scare and frighten the viewer. These films typically involve supernatural or paranormal elements, and often include graphic violence, gore, and jump scares. Some popular horror movie sub-genres include:
1. The exorcist (1973)
2. Hereditary (2018)
3. The conjuring (2013)
4. The texas chainsaw massacre (1974)
5. The shining (1980)
6. The rings (2002)
7. Halloween (1978)
8. Sinister (2012)
9. Insidious (2010)
10. It (2017)
Some well-known horror movies include classics like “The Exorcist,” “Nightmare on Elm Street,” and “Halloween,” as well as newer entries like “Get Out,” “The Conjuring,” and “Hereditary.” Horror movies can be a popular form of entertainment, but may not be suitable for all viewers due to their graphic content and intense themes.
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