The final show of Bill Maher’s Real Time fall season on HBO arrived Friday night. “I will miss seeing half your faces and the roar of muffled laughter,” he joked about his masked audience. Maher returns for his spring season on January 21, 2022. Before going, the political comedian delivered a solid show, with guest Fareed Zakaria leading off. The discussion centered on his upcoming television special, China’s Iron Fist, which debuts November 21 on CNN and CNN International, Maher asked the obvious question. “Who will dominate the 21st century?” Zakaria called China “The most serious competition the United States has ever faced. The Chinese are doing AI, biotech, hi-speed rail – the industries of the future.” Related Story Nikki Glaser To Headline First HBO Comedy Special To com …
#BillMaher, #ChrisChristie, #ericadams, #FareedZakaria, #HBO, #RealTime
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