Coming on the heels of Prime Video’s acclaimed neo-Western series Outer Range is another sci-fi show titled Night Sky, premiering on the streamer May 20th. The series centers around an elderly couple hiding the secret of their backyard portal that transports them to space, and you can watch the official trailer below.
Night Sky stars Oscar winners J.K. Simmons and Sissy Spacek as Franklin and Irene York, who have been traveling to a deserted planet through a chamber buried in their backyard for many years. An enigmatic young man pops up out of nowhere during one of their trips, threatening to expose the secret they hold so dear.
In the trailer, Simmons and Spacek are seen descending into the mysterious chamber through a trap door in a shed behind their house. In the blink of an eye, they end up in a futuristic house with a gorgeous view of outer space.
Next, the couple’s granddaughter reveals that one of their neighbors has been peeping around during their backyard trips — just in time for a possible alien to surface in their space abode. Naturally, the stranger’s appearance has apparently drawn the attention of numerous ominous-sounding people. Watch the Night Sky trailer below.
The cast is rounded out by Chai Hansen, Kiah McKirnan, Julieta Zylberberg, Rocío Hernández, and Adam Bartley. Night Sky is created by Holden Miller, who served as executive producer alongside showrunner Daniel C. Connolly. All eight episodes debut on Prime Video on May 20th.