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On the new Pop Shop Podcast, Katie & Keith are talking about Lady Gaga’s Chromatica Ball concert at Dodger Stadium and what it takes to be a stadium headliner in 2022.
Lady Gaga performs onstage during The Chromatica Ball Tour at Dodger Stadium on September 10, 2022 in Los Angeles, California. Jeff Kravitz/Getty Images for Live Nation
For a good chunk of her Chromatica Ball tour stop at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles on Saturday night, Lady Gaga was just a girl at a piano in the middle of a baseball field surrounded by 52,000 of her closest friends. Which got us wondering: How does a pop star get to the point where she can command an audience that massive all on her own?
See latest videos, charts and news
See latest videos, charts and news
On the new Billboard Pop Shop Podcast, Katie & Keith are talking all about that Dodger Stadium concert (Katie was in the crowd!) and what it takes to be a stadium headliner in 2022, with pop stars from The Weeknd to Bad Bunny currently playing stadiums around the country.
How does an artist make a show just as entertaining for someone in the pit as the person in the back row of the upper deck? And how can artists make the burden of getting in and out of such a huge venue worth their time and money? Listen to the podcast below for our full discussion:
Also on the show, we’ve got news on how “As It Was” by Harry Styles spends a 13th week at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100, becoming one of just, well, 13 songs to spend 13 weeks or more at No. 1 in the 64-year history of the chart. Plus, Styles’ “Late Night Talking” jumps 12-3 after a surge in sales and promotion, and he becomes the first act with concurrent songs in the top three on the chart this year. Also, OneRepublic hits the Hot 100 top 10 for the first time since 2014, Bad Bunny’s Un Verano Sin Ti now has the most weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 albums chart in more than a year, and Morgan Wallen’s former No. 1 album Dangerous: The Double Album breaks a top 10 longevity record on the Billboard 200.
The Billboard Pop Shop Podcast is your one-stop shop for all things pop on Billboard’s weekly charts. You can always count on a lively discussion about the latest pop news, fun chart stats and stories, new music, and guest interviews with music stars and folks from the world of pop. Casual pop fans and chart junkies can hear Billboard’s executive digital director, West Coast, Katie Atkinson and Billboard’s senior director of charts Keith Caulfield every week on the podcast, which can be streamed on Billboard.com or downloaded in Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast provider. (Click here to listen to the previous edition of the show on Billboard.com.)
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