The 18-track set gifts Cano his first visit to the ranking’s top tier in his second try.

Natanael Cano scores his first top 10 on Billboard’s Latin Rhythm Albums chart as his newest LP, NataKong, starts at No. 10 on the April 23-dated ranking.
NataKong was released April 8 via Los CT/JHRH/Warner Latina. Cano’s seventh studio album starts with 5,000 equivalent album units earned in the U.S. after its first full tracking week ending April 14, according to Luminate, formerly MRC Data. Most of the set’s opening sum derives from streaming activity, with the album songs having generated 6.86 million on-demand official streams in the tracking week.
The Latin Rhythm Albums chart ranks the most popular Latin rhythm albums of the week in the U.S. based on multimetric consumption as measured in equivalent album units. Units comprise album sales, track equivalent albums (TEA) and streaming equivalent albums (SEA). Each unit equals one album sale, or 10 individual tracks sold from an album, or 3,750 ad-supported or 1,250 paid/subscription on-demand official audio and video streams generated by songs from an album.
The 18-track NataKong gifts Cano his first visit to the ranking’s top tier in his second try. He narrowly missed the top 10 almost two years ago with first chart appearance Trap Tumbado, which debuted and peaked at No. 11 in July 2020.
Elsewhere, NataKong bows at No. 12 on the all-Latin genre Top Latin Albums chart, Cano’s seventh chart entry and follow up to his second top 10: A Mis 20 (No. 9 debut and peak, June 2021).
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