Automatically download TV Shows using RSS!
How to Automatically download your favourite TV shows when they air using ShowRSS.Info and Utorrent.
How to access all the latest TV and Movies for Free!
ShowRSS Website:
Utorrent Website:
In this video I show you how to set up your home theater PC / Media center to automatically download all your favorite TV episodes right after they air!
To do this we use ShowRSS.info to create a personalized RSS feed. We add all the shows that we want to track to this feed and it will give us a personalized RSS to use with Utorrent.
In Utorrent we use the RSSFeed and RSS Downloader features to set up automatic download of our favorite episodes.
Please note: Utorrent must be running for it to download your TV shows!
You can continue to add shows to your favorites on ShowRSS, no need to recopy your feed every time. You just need to set up your RSSDownloader in Utorrent to download it.
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