Hey! Today I am talking about tv shows, whoo hoo!
Created by Kayley Hyde: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93iGT5oueTA
1. Favourite shows?
2. Favourite genre?
3. Least favourite show?
4. Most rewatched show/favourite show to binge watch?
5. Do you prefer watching things week-by-week or binge-watching?
6. Favourite television characters?
7. Favourite television ships?
8. Show you could never get into?
9. Show you fell out of love with?
10. Cancelled too soon?
11. Guilty pleasure show?
12. What are you currently watching?
find me around town!
business: lainey.kress@gmail.com
blog/website: https://lrkress.wordpress.com/
twitter: https://twitter.com/readalongLainey
tumblr: http://gingerreadslainey.tumblr.com/
instagram: http://instagram.com/gingerreadslainey
goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/gingerreadslainey
pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/gingerreadslain/
8tracks: http://8tracks.com/gingerreadslainey/mixes
figment: http://figment.com/users/315656-LR
my image art from my intro in my older videos was made by the amazing max! https://www.youtube.com/user/welldonebooks
my outro music: Albis
found in the Youtube Audio Library
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