Critic’s Rating: 4.5 / 5.0
Listen, The Rookie may take a brief hiatus, to our absolute displeasure, but they made up for it with one hell of an episode!
So much happened on The Rookie Season 7 Episode 9, and it’s hard to keep it all straight. But we have James’ life hanging in the balance, Nolan holding the motherload of all secrets, and Seth being freaking Seth.
The Chenford content was top-tier, Angela/Nyla’s dynamic was GOATED, and all of this while wildfires raged on. Let’s get into it!

The Wildfire Serves as Backdrop in Action-Packed Hour
The L.A. wildfires were devastating, and thousands of people are still picking up the pieces.
As a result, The Rookie’s setting an installment around a wildfire was risky.
Of course, it was filmed before, but sometimes, airing things like that so soon after a natural disaster can be insensitive or excessive.
However, the wildfire wasn’t the most prominent aspect of the hour, which worked to The Rookie’s advantage here. As a result, I hope it wasn’t as triggering for some to watch.
Refreshingly, Bailey had a moment where she did her actual job and was great at it, but she didn’t overpower anything. It was a great acknowledgment for those who often comment on how the series has her doing everything but her job.
Lucy and Tim’s Life-and-Death Situation Leads to Love Confessions
But the most harrowing aspect of the wildfire itself was the threat it posed to Chenford’s life for a few moments and another chink in the armor of Seth, the perpetual liar.
Seth is indefensible. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt a few times. Perhaps it’s the puppy dog eyes he has or something.
However, this kid is dangerous and poses a threat to everyone around him with his rookie errors and pathological lying.
The second Grey put him on the phones, it was apparent that things would fall apart. Sure enough, the least of his offenses involved hanging up on the mayor.
Seth’s refusal to take notes is a special type of stupidity and absurdity. He isn’t winning anything or proving himself the best by showing off his (poor) memory skills or all the other little things he does when he feels they’re impressive.
Seth’s a Lying Liar Who Lies, ENOUGH!
Not telling anyone about the compromised road could’ve cost Lucy, Tim, or any civilian their life! The fire closing in around the pair was terrifying, and they had little options.
It’s a great thing that first responders, and at this point, I imagine any Los Angelino who thinks about it and forks over the cash, carry the metallic potato sack thing to hide underneath.
I cannot imagine having to curl up underneath something like that as you wait for the literal fire to roll over you. Hell, I was with Lucy in the matter.
It wasn’t the time for love confessions when it’s hell all around!
Lucy Reconsidering Next Stages in Her Career is Refreshing
But it was endearing all the same that Tim worked up the nerve to tell Lucy how he really felt, confessing his love again and reminding her that he never stopped. It’s what he needed her to know if something happened to them.
Plus, there’s nothing like a near-death experience to make a person confront their feelings and express them openly. Yes, it sets them on their path toward real reconciliation this time.
In fact, Lucy’s sharing that she wants to take the sergeant’s exam likely cements their relationship. Nothing can professionally get in the way of it when Lucy is truly his peer.
Naturally, many fans will be reeling from the Chenford moment. The love confession was great.
I still wish the series did more showing than telling, but it is what it is. We know that Tim has made progress and done the growing he left Lucy to do, even if it was primarily offscreen.
Tim’s Growth Takes Place Offscreen, But… Yeah, Chenford, So Whatever, I Guess
Typically, Tim would hold back his feelings in the heat of the moment while protectively wrapping the woman he loves in his arms. But he’s as emotionally open these days as he is physically open.
These are notable things for the character and that romance.
However, I’m excited about Lucy’s figuring out what her professional future looks like when she gets the brick, ruining her initial dreams of undercover work.
The idea of Lucy discovering that her dreams can evolve and move toward something else is lovely.
Fortunately, after all of this, both seem hellbent on getting to the bottom of the Seth situation. You can tell neither believed him for a second.
Nyla and Angela’s Relationship Is the Definition of Sisterhood
The Nyla and Angela moments were top-tier during this installment, too. Their relationship is everything to me.
It was heartwarming to see how Nyla, James, Angela, and Wes have formed this family. They’re an endearing platonic foursome who co-raise their children together—the epitome of the village people discuss.
Also, offhand, it was great to learn the name of Wopez’s daughter, Emmy. Finally!
But as endearing as those moments were, the sisterhood between Angela and Nyla always gets me in the feelings. Angela knows Nyla deeply, to the bone. They’re soulmates in that way.
No one else could’ve called Nyla out about her obsession with Glasser and her lack of self-care. She would’ve heeded that advice from anyone but Angela.
They’re ride-or-dies for one another, and the Glasser situation had some dicey moments that could’ve jeopardized both of them. The action-packed scene at that house had Angela injured, and Nyla would’ve lost her mind.
The Rookie Gave Nyla Her Very Own Villain
Nyla’s fixation on Glasser was relatable. He’s a worthwhile villain in The Rookie’s Hall of Fame of Great Villains. Nyla getting her own is par for the course with this series, but it’s also exciting.
She knew what Glasser was, and she didn’t let up on him, even when it had his wife accusing her of harassment and others expecting her to tone things down a bit.
However, she was right. Glasser leaving the shelter to go on his murder spree made for one of the most exciting parts of the hour.
Time was of the essence, but admittedly, the way they handled grilling Glasser’s wife and the child was grating. Did anyone else have an issue with them speaking so openly about what Glasser did in front of the kid?
Glasser’s son feeding them false information his father told him to do was the straw that broke the camel’s back, forcing Glasser’s wife to see the truth about her husband and assist.
Protect Miles Penn At All Costs
The showdown was a worthwhile one, but it sucked that sweet Penn (who would’ve thought we’d favor him over Seth based on their introductions) got in the crosshairs.
Nolan has a knack for endangering his rookies, doesn’t he? Poor Miles went through it in that house, thanks to the drugs, and I just want him to be okay in the end and for this not to leave him struggling.
It was comical when Nolan asserted that he had Glasser in custody when Glasser was whooping his ass.
I found their fight scene more authentic and intense than Bradford’s throwback Batman series-style fighting with the looters who came to his house while his nephew was there.
As a side note, I love that Genny is back, and they’re using her more, but it would be even better if she had a legitimate storyline.
James and Kyle’s Kiss Causes Future Complications
It’s not the end of Glasser, though, and the intrigue remains over what they could do with him moving forward.
Of course, as if there wasn’t enough happening, we saw how that James and Kylie situation played out as we expected.
James is trying to be a good guy, but Kyle mistook his compassion for something else and went in for the kiss.
To James’ credit, he shut it down, so thank goodness there isn’t an infidelity arc. However, Nolan only saw the two kissing and nothing else.
Without the context, Nolan is reeling about this information he holds. He’s close to Nyla, so part of him wants to tell her the truth, while he also doesn’t want to hurt her.
James is Caught in the Crosshairs in Shocking Cliffhanger
Hilariously, Angela gave her advice on the situation without knowing all the details. Her claim that she’d be a wealthy widow if Wes kissed another woman is so on-brand for Angela.
Kylie needs a lot of help. We learned that she saw something involving a biker gang, so they were after her and wanted to shut her up.
Sadly, it looks as if they succeeded in that. They shot Kylie so many times that I don’t foresee her surviving that situation.
However, James got caught in the crosshairs. It looks like they shot him twice: in the shoulder and maybe somewhere close to his heart.
The whole scene happened so quickly that it was hard to wrap one’s head around it. After such an action-packed hour, it came as a real shock that James would be bleeding out in the final moments, and everyone would fear for his fate.
James’ Shooting Will Destroy Nyla Harper
Nyla will be devastated by this, and worse yet, there’s no doubt the kiss situation will emerge, and Nyla will be left processing the love of her life’s fate and if he cheated on her.
I don’t like this for Nyla. Leave her alone, The Rookie!
Over to you, The Rookie Fanatics.
Will James die? How do you feel about the kiss situation?
Do you think Glasser will find a way to wreak havoc on Nyla?
What are your thoughts on the state of Chenford and Lucy’s plans to take the Sergeant exam?
What the heck will The Rookie do with Seth? Let’s discuss everything in the comments below!
The Rookie returns on March 11!
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