A new feature-length documentary digging into the true story of the infamous R&B duo Milli Vanilli has been acquired by Paramount+. The film, simply titled Milli Vanilli, will premiere on Tuesday, October 24th in the U.S. and Canada, and on Wednesday, October 25th in the UK, Australia, Latin America, Brazil, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.
Milli Vanilli goes directly behind the scenes through exclusive interviews with the group’s members Fab Morvan and the late Rob Pilatus, as well as the real singers, record executives, and the producer behind the duo, who became one of the most popular groups of the late ’80s and early ’90s until it was discovered that they had been lip-synching the entire time. Pilatus died of an accidental alcohol and prescription drug overdose in 1998.
“Finally — the true story of Milli Vanilli has been told!” Morvan said in a statement. “I’m thankful Luke Korem and his team went to the lengths that they did. The journey I returned to during the filming of this documentary didn’t leave any stone unturned. At last I can close this chapter in peace… Get ready to take a walk in our steel-toe boots.”
Director and producer Luke Korem added, “For over 30 years, the story of Milli Vanilli — in particular Rob and Fab — has been reduced to sensational headlines. With this documentary, we pull back the curtain on pop music.”
Korem produced Milli Vanilli with Bradley Jackson, MRC, Keep On Running Pictures, and MTV Entertainment Studios, while Hanif Abdurraqib and Kim Marlowe served as executive producers.
Besides the documentary, Milli Vanilli are the subject of an upcoming biopic called Girl You Know It’s True. Directed by Simon Verhoeven, the film stars Tijan Njie and Elan Ben Ali. It’s expected to be released toward the end of this year.
Editor’s Note: This article has been updated with details on the Paramount+ premiere.