
Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

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MONTH OF January

Let’s just get this out of the way, Aquarius: Your new year really doesn’t start until February. And there’s no need to be disappointed by that—in fact, you might be relieved! Every year, the Sun is in Capricorn and your restful twelfth house for the first three weeks of the month. It’s a time best spent wrapping up the previous year before birthday season begins.

This year, communicator Mercury is also retrograde (backward) from January 14 to February 3, and in YOUR sign for most of the time. Venus, the planet of love and harmony, is retrograde until January 29. Translation: Let things settle, and handle unfinished business instead of elbowing your way into new terrain. Looking to move or make changes at home? The second half of the month is ideal for that, when the karmic north node enters Taurus and your domestic zone for the first time since 2004!

You’re actually better suited to following the Lunar New Year as your calendar. It always begins at the year’s first Aquarius new moon, which, in astrology, is your personal new year. In 2022, that happens on the eve of February 1…and from that point on, it’s all systems go.

Even better? February 2022 will launch the Lunar Year of the Tiger, the animal archetype associated with your ruler, Uranus, and with the Western sign of Aquarius. That’s all the more reason to use January to tie up loose ends. That way, you can take advantage of the opportune 12-month cycle that’s right around the corner!

Capricorn rules the skies: Sun, new moon, Venus (retrograde) and Mars

Endings are beginnings in their own way, and you’ll have plenty of time to explore that slate-cleaning paradox this month. The Sun is making its annual trip through Capricorn and your twelfth house of closure, healing and rest until January 19. This is your hibernation phase before el Sol moves into Aquarius, so use the restorative window or lose it!

On January 2, the year’s first new moon arrives in Capricorn. This could bring a spiritual or artistic awakening. Have you been meaning to make amends with someone or let go of a grudge? This lunar lift will inspire you to release resentment and find peace in acceptance—of who THEY are and of yourself. Whether or not you choose to interact is up to you; what’s most important is that you stop holding onto toxic emotions.

Ready for a new chapter in your living situation? Not only is this a supermoon, the new moon will also form a flowing trine to changemaker Uranus, your ruling planet, which is in your home and family zone. You may suddenly move, get struck by a decorating urge or take in a roommate. Aquarians of the childbearing set might get pregnancy news. Pay attention to your dreams near this date, as you could get a “sign” or a message from a departed loved one.

Those psychic flashes could get even stronger on January 16, when the Sun and karmic Pluto make their once-a-year meetup in Capricorn and this same intuitive zone. This date—and this whole month—could inspire you to explore your family tree and ancestral roots. For Aquarians dealing with addictive patterns or mental health issues, the Sun-Pluto conjunction can help you start getting to the core of your issues.

There’s more good reason to heal your past: Venus, the planet of love and harmony, is retrograde (backward) all month in Capricorn, disrupting your peaceful groove. If you’ve got lingering fears or trust issues that keep cropping up in relationships, now’s your chance to address those.

Take special care of your immune system and get plenty of rest after January 24, when energizer Mars sinks into Capricorn until March 6, which could leave you feeling class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” both wired and tired. Although Mars is “exalted” in Capricorn, one of its favorite signs, you could be tempted to push well past your limits into burnout, especially since Aquarius season will have just started. Follow mask and pandemic prevention mandates strictly, even if that means postponing your big birthday bash. Mars will be in Aquarius on March 6 for several weeks, and you’ll get your groove back—hopefully in time for spring and better social conditions. Until then, play it on the safer side and use this time to rejuvenate. Treat it like a retreat and dive into an artistic project, a meditation practice or a big decluttering. It will be over before you know it!

Mercury turns retrograde from January 14 to Februaryclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” 3—mostly in your sign

From January 14 to February 3, Mercury will turn retrograde, causing mishaps with travel, technology and communication. Making matters trickier? Mercury will reverse through Aquarius until January 25 before backing into Aquarius for its final few days. That puts you in the hot seat to be the zodiac’s most misunderstood sign. Not what you needed in this new year, but there’s always a silver lining if you learn the important lessons. This go-round, they’ll have to do with how you advocate for yourself and how readily you process the past before rushing into anything new.

While Mercury backs through Aquarius, a passion project or personal plan could get delayed, and if that happens, don’t fight it. Use the extra time to perfect your vision! Watch what you post and say now because your remarks could be taken WAY out of context. Argh! You might need to lay low—or apply strong filters—while this cycle plays itself out. On the upside, you can dust off a creative venture that got put on the back burner. Spend time reviewing your goals and plans. If you need to polish up your presentation, do so now. From training to new headshots to rebranding, this is a great time to tweak behind the scenes.

Speaking of “behind the scenes,” on January 25, Mercury will slip into Capricorn and your twelfth house of hidden information, closure and healing. With love planet Venus already retrograde here until January 29, it could be hard to distinguish between reality and illusion. Careful about projecting your fears and suspicions onto people.

You may be foggy and forgetful while Mercury backtracks through Capricorn. How about a mental break, Aquarius? You could slip into nostalgia on a good day, brooding on a bad one, so make sure any trips down memory lane are productive (think: journaling or a good “ugly cry”)—or set your phone alarm so you don’t get stuck there. Truth is, as a future-focused sign you probably don’t spend ENOUGH time processing your feelings before racing into the next situation. While you’re at it, do you have an apology to issue or amends to make? Use the last week of January to “feel and heal” so you can move forward with a clean slate—and conscience—next month.

Get healthy and organized at the January 17 Cancer full moon

The first full moon of 2022 arrives on January 17, landing in Cancer and your sixth house of health, organization and systems. A couple weeks after all those champagne and brie hangovers and you’re ready to leap on the wellness wagon. La luna inspires you to take charge of some integral part of your life and do it better. Your desire for self-improvement, mapped to a solid system, could yield mega results.

But don’t just focus on the superficial. With the full moon opposite deep-digging Pluto in your twelfth house of the subconscious, exploring a mind-body-soul connection could help you set goals that stick. What’s really eating you…and what’s getting YOU to eat things that make you feel sluggish inside and out? Explore those core drivers instead of just cutting out entire food groups or going to extremes.

The sixth house rules helpful people; where (and to whom) can you delegate? Don’t try to do it all yourself. This illuminating full moon can reveal someone on Team Aquarius that you’ve outgrown—or perhaps, thanks to Pluto’s presence, hasn’t truly had your back. Hard as it is to part ways, if they’ve lost their passion for a project, their stagnant energy will only bring everyone down. But rather than trying to shoehorn someone you like into a role that doesn’t suit them, write up a job description for the ideal replacement. That act alone can bring surprising clarity.

The north node enters Taurus on January 18

Work-life balance: incoming! From January 18, 2022, until July 17, 2023, the lunar nodes will move across the Taurus/Scorpio axis, spotlighting your (Taurus-ruled) domestic sphere and your (Scorpio-governed) professional house. With the destiny-driven north node in Taurus, home is where much of your focus will be for the next 18 months. From expanding your family to moving to shifting characters under your roof, this is a powerful time to make sure all of your ties are healthy and interdependent.

Anything that’s out of alignment in these areas will be up for major review now. Things you’ve tolerated, like sweeping aside a parent’s emotional demands or not speaking up when your sister leaves you holding the bag yet again, will become impossible to endure. Your nodal awakening can churn up anger or feelings you didn’t know existed. Warning: There may be a few messy moments to clean up later.

The north node only visits Taurus every 18.5 years; it was last here from April 15, 2003, to December 26, 2004. If you can remember back to that time, you may see repeating themes arise again, from a big move to a fresh career focus to a new chapter in your family history.

And…Uranus turns direct in Taurus on January 18

On January 18, changemaker Uranus, your ruling planet, ends a five-month retrograde. Since August 19, Uranus has been reversing through Taurus and your domestic fourth house, stirring up friction and some old dynamics under your roof. With Uranus moving forward, instability or slowdowns related to your family or living situation will clear up. If you’ve been at a crossroads, innovative Uranus could bring in some unexpected new options.

For Aquarians of the parental set, this transit could bring news of pregnancy, IVF success or adoption. Some Aquarians may decide to freeze their eggs or opt for a communal living scenario. All kinds of options are open to you now, so keep an open mind. You have a part of yourself that’s wildly unconventional and another part that can be rigidly Type A. Uranus’ direct move will embolden you to go off the beaten path. If you have some emotional healing to do, explore alternative modalities, from sound healing (Taurus rules the five senses) to craniosacral therapy to EFT tapping.

You’re back! Aquarius season starts on January 19

Good news: On January 19, the Sun shifts into Aquarius and your first house of self for a month, bringing you back to yourself! If you’ve been making too many sacrifices or feeling overwhelmed for the past four weeks, you’ll be thrilled to feel your energy return. Prioritize personal projects and goals—and distance yourself from anyone siphoning your best energy.

Got something big to launch or announce? Hold off a little bit longer. With Mercury retrograde until February 3—and back-spinning through YOUR sign for another week—your efforts to self-promote may land with a dull thud instead to the desired fanfare. Tweak and refine your presentation, then unveil your grand plans once Mercury goes direct. If you want to be extra-EXTRA careful, debut after Mercury’s lingering “shadow” phase ends on February 24.

Closure time? You can’t move forward without handling the past, and that theme runs strong throughout this month’s transits—including in your love life. Among the planets in Capricorn and your twelfth house of endings, healing and fantasy this January is romantic Venus, which happens to retrograde until January 29.

Does it feel like no matter how much you try to move forward, the past keeps creeping back in yet another form? Well, Aquarius, it will keep doing so until you address it at the core. That’s the opportunity of this Venus retrograde, a cycle that can test your ties but will also reveal exactly where real change is needed.

The twelfth house rules the subconscious, so you may opt to address any blocks or patterns through therapy or a healing modality. This period could bring up deep-seated wounds that you may not want to confront alone. You might also face any addictive or avoidant behaviors you’re using to numb out those difficult emotions. It’s human, Aquarius—but that doesn’t make it healthy. Maybe you’re keeping secrets or have even drawn to a clandestine person who’s not fully available for intimacy. Yet you find them so hard to resist…during Venus retrograde, you may actually break that spell through consciously learning WHY you’re so drawn into this web. (Hint: It’s probably more about you than them.)

On January 24, Mars, the other love planet, joins Venus in Capricorn; both will stay here until March 6. This is a powerful window for you to learn how to surrender control and be vulnerable, one of the keys to true connection. Venus and Mars will unite here shortly after Valentine’s Day, a great “makeup” moment if you’ve become estranged or at odds from pandemic stress. When Mercury retrogrades into Capricorn from January 25 to February 3, bottled up feelings could come rushing out. While you might be far from articulate, at least you’ve gotten them out into the open. Now, seize the opportunity to be transparent. You never know where things will go once you stop worrying about upsetting people and start keeping it real.

All together now! As 2022 begins, go-getter Mars is in Sagittarius and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology—the Aquarius sweet spot—until January 24. Collaborations could heat up, and you could magnetize some dynamic players to be part of your network. Don’t forget about the support squad either! The January 17 Cancer full moon will illuminate your sixth house of helpful people and systems, a smart time to delegate and institute some efficient processes.

Slow down a little and pace yourself starting January 24, when Mars sinks into Capricorn and your twelfth house of rest, behind-the-scenes affairs and endings. With the red planet here until May 16, you might go off the grid and really pour your energy into finishing up a big project. Watch your back and be careful whom you trust with confidential intel. There could be some sharks in mermaid’s clothing circling around you.

Even more reason to be cautious: Mercury, the planet of communication, technology and travel, is retrograde from January 14 to February 3, and for the first 11 days, it will backtrack through YOUR sign. Hold off on the splashy launches in the second half of the month—if not until February—and get everything lined up behind the scenes.

Love Days: 13, 18

Money Days: 25, 6

Luck Days: 23, 4

Off Days: 16, 21, 2

See All Signs

The AstroTwins Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been‘s official astrologers for over a decade.

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