Now that people are mostly free to roam around the country, Halloween is back! Those neighborhood block-wide trick-or-treating events are a go and people are probably wondering who to dress up as and remain pertinent at the same time.
Thank goodness 2022 has plenty of horror-related content to choose from. Some are simple and need only a few accessories while others will take more time (and money) creatively. iHorror has put together a list of ideas for our readers who may be wondering how best to express their Halloween spirit but still be relevant.
1. Black Phone (The Grabber)
Ethan Hawke takes the cake this year (other than Dahmer) for being a creepy child abductor in the movie The Black Phone. His serial killer handle is The Grabber which he personifies through a devilized version of “Thalia and Melpomene,” or “Sock and Buskin” masks. In ancient Greek times, the Sock and Buskin represented both comedy and tragedy and artists would adopt them as their inspirational muses.
In The Black Phone, The Grabber uses the interchangeable mask to represent his different personalities to separate his “good” side from his evil side, allowing the monster to be blamed for his crimes rather than his true self.
The creepy costume is pretty much readily available if you do an internet search, but we found a pretty gone one available on Amazon and Etsy.
2. Pearl
Not one but two movies featuring this character in 2022, and another one is on the way! The tragic story of Pearl is one for ages. A young girl with delusions of grandeur gets a reality check about her talents then goes off the rails when criticized for wanting to realize her dreams.
There is a lot to like about Pearl even though she’s a madwoman. Her desire to become something other than a farmhouse caregiver evokes pathos even though she’s a pathological murderer.
For about half of the movie, Pearl is dressed in a red dress with her hair tied in the back with a blue ribbon. So if you have a plain red dress or are willing to dye one, going as Pearl is a cost-effective option. All you need is a fake axe to complete the look.
3. Orphan
Here is another easy cheap costume that might be fun to explain to people that don’t know the reference.
This year we got a sort-of-origin story about Esther, a Russian orphan who may or may not be who she presents as in public. Orphan: First Kill is the prequel to the 2009 film called, you guessed it, Orphan.
This costume is much like Pearl but with a few differences. You still need a conservative pioneer dress but add a lacey wide-band cloth choker and bow-tied ribbons around two pigtails and people are gonna know.
4. The Munsters (2022)
The movie may be bad, but the costumes are amazing. This is a great couple (throuple) idea. The Munsters started out as a 60s TV sitcom that became a cult classic and in 2021 director/musician Rob Zombie decided it would make for a great theatrical reboot. This is one of those cases where someone’s idea was right and wrong at the same time.
Skewered by critics, the movie, now available on Netflix, was dead on arrival. However, surviving the critical massacre were the set designs, lighting, and character makeup. So even though the movie did nothing to dress up the script, you can take inspiration from it as a costume idea.
5. Michael Myers (Blumhouse)
A black mechanic’s workwear uniform with a popped collar, a fake knife, and a widely available updated (expensive) Michael Myers mask are all you need. We found a mask HERE.
Halloween Ends — 2022
6. Nope
Although a supporting character Steven Yeun’s Ricky “Jupe” Park, in the movie Nope, is a standout in costume design. His cowboy-inspired red suit with a white shirt and bolo tie is one of the most memorable things in the movie. And who doesn’t have a white wide-brimmed Stetson just laying around the house?
7. Sanderson Sisters
Here’s another one that might take a few dollars depending on how elaborate you want to get. As with The Munsters above, the Sanderson Sisters’ costumes are undeniably detailed. This is more of a project than ready-to-wear. But if you already have a velvet cape, that’s half the battle. You just need to decide on the wig and makeup.
Hocus Pocus 2
8. Wednesday Addams
With a new Netflix show on the way from Tim Burton himself, Wednesday Addams would be a preemptive homage since the show comes out after Halloween on November 23. But who doesn’t like to be head of the trend?
Get a black dress with a small white pattern, add a spear-pointed collar and braids and you too can become one of the most macabre-witted, anti-social, depressed teenagers in pop culture history.
9. Eddie (Stranger Things)
Haven’t seen Stranger Things 4 yet? Then maybe you won’t know that Hellfire Club member and head-banger extraordinaire Eddie Munson is an integral part of the story this season. Costume-wise, all you need to become Eddie is a curly 80s rock wig with bangs, a leather jacket (or denim) and a Hellfire Club t-shirt, and jeans. Extras points if you incorporate an electric guitar.
Stranger Things
Cosplay a Day
10. Angela, the old lady from Dashcam
Dashcam has perhaps the most reviled protagonists in recent history. Annie is an irritating social media vlogger with serial ADHD. But in a bit of empathy, she decides to give an old lady named Angela a ride. That woman turns out to be an unexpected terrifying nuisance.
Angela is dressed in some sort of white satin dress. a red slicker and a medical face mask. Since nobody really saw this found-footage film, you might get a lot of questions, but you can pride yourself on being the only original character at the party. Hey, it’s a conversation starter.
Extra Idea:
Scream (2022) Ghostface
This might be the cheapest option available: Repurpose your old mask from 1996!